Using an existing Movie API The movie DB API provided by The Movie DB, create a website using Vue, Vuex and LESS/SASS with the following functionalities:
1. Display all movies
2. Include Sort options you think would fit best
3. Search
1. Title, summary, poster image, release date, director, language, cast, run time, rating, similar movies, etc.
2. Add the functionality to rate the movie (you can use any UI you wish for this)
1. Using D3 charts create a simple bar chart for the top 10 rated movies with y- axis being 0 – 10 (rating) and x-axis being the top 10 movies.
2. Since a Movie can have a rating of 9.0 but had only been rated 2 times, let’s make the stats a little more helpful to the viewers by adding a secondary bar chart below with the Vote / Rating Count. This means the y-axis will now represent the total times a movie has been rated and the x-axis will again represent the top 10 movies.
3. Use loading animation for the bars and tooltips for both charts.
4. Use appropriate heading, axis titles and legends for each.
- Live Site URL: MOVIER
With this project I improved my API endpoints usage. I improved my ability to manipulate the information received and display it on the pages and learned how to use D3.js to build dinamic charts.