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Detection of dermoscopic attributes

Author: Arno Heirman

Project information

This repository contains the code related to my Master's thesis and can be used to reproduce my results. This project is based on the data from the ISIC 2018 competition. The project makes use of my Weights & Biases project to store runs and models.

The goal is the detection of certain structures in dermoscopic images, with the aim of aiding in the diagnosis of melanoma. This is achieved through machine learning using a UNet-architecture with a compact encoder (EfficientNetV2) to segment the structures. The main challenges are related to problems with the labelled dataset, including heavy data imbalance. To address this two families of loss functions and an oversampling technique are evaluated. To improve interpretability, heatmaps of the model output are produced.

The following image is an example of the model output for the five different structures from left to right. The middle row shows a heatmap of the raw model output. The top and bottom row show a comparison of the produced segmentation masks to the ground truth.


Initial setup

First install the python packages

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Download the dataset

python download

Preprocess the images to a fixed size

python preprocess --size 512

Use --size to set the width

Container setup

To ensure compatibility the project can be run using the NVIDIA container image of TensorFlow

First install nvidia-container-toolkit

Next build the container with the Dockerfile

docker build -t dermo-attributes .

Run the docker container interactively

docker run --gpus all --ipc=host --ulimit memlock=-1 --ulimit stack=67108864 -ti -e WANDB_API_KEY=$YOUR_KEY dermo-attributes

Model training

Configure the wandb project in dermo_attributes/
Train a model (Add --help to list all parameters)

python train

Run a gridsearch sweep for loss parameters and oversampling method (Add --help to list all parameters)

python sweep

Process validation results of the gridsearch
Table summary of best parameters is printed
Barplot and heatplots are saved to data/results
Use --metric to change the metric

python validation

Calculate final ISIC test scores for models given their wandb index
Also saves an image output with example validation segmentations to data/results

python test --idx model_id


Detection of dermoscopic structures for melanoma diagonsis








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