Welcome to React workshop! This is the sample project, a simple snek game.
First, npm install
. Then:
- To run dev server:
npm start
, app now runs on http://localhost:1234 - To do a production build:
npm run build
, build output now lives in./dist
- To run tests:
npm test
- To run storybook:
npm run storybook
, storybook now runs on http://localhost:1235
- Add a scoreboard (use i.e. localStorage to store the scores)
- Make it mobile friendly (i.e. adaptive width, touch events)
- Add a pause function
- Keyboard controls to start/restart/pause
- Multiple fruits at once??
- Make a special fruit that gives extra points but disappears after a short while?
- Bad fruits that give negative points
- Obstacles
- Multiple lives
- Make the snek move faster if the player holds down the arrow key
- Make a settings screen to adjust grid size, difficulty etc
- Change to (or make a setting for) relative controls (i.e. right/left arrow keys turns left/right relative to the snek)
- Make a two player mode with two sneks on the same board and two players on the same keyboard
- Conway's game of life
- Light's out (click a cell to higlight the four orthogonally adjacent cells, the goal is to highlight all cells in the fewest clicks)
- Tic tac toe (or maybe something like five-in-a-row on a larger grid)
- Tetris? Maybe too ambitious, would be fun though
- Whack-a-mole (click the squares that light up as quickly as possible, before they disappear)
- Battleship through a websocket server
- Add some more tests to make it bulletproof
- Add eslint and an eslint config to enforce a code style, maybe configure prettier some more
- Add husky to run eslint and prettier on commit, to enforce the code style
- Deploy to azure! Why not