----Installations needed----
node.js https://nodejs.org/en/download/
heroku(if you want to push changes to website)
Express use the following command
npm install express --save
Socket.io use the following command
npm install socket.io --save
----How To Run----
From the top directory of your repo (i.e where Procfile is), run the following command (Note that you will need Heroku installed)
node server.js
Then, go to http://localhost:8081/ on your browser
If you decide to use heroku, the following command works too
heroku local
Then, go to http://localhost:5000 on your browser
----Our Actual Website----
We have an actual site you can navigate to, with just a URL! No localhost hoops to jump through! Also allows us to play against each other for networking
To push changes you have made to the website, install heroku, then make sure you have a remote in your repo to the existing tic-tac-toe-master website, with the foloowing command.
heroku git:remote -a tic-tac-toe-master
To use heroku commands, you will have to register an account with heroku.
To push your changes to the website, use the folowing commands, also available in herokuPushCommands.txt
git pull heroku master
git add .
git commit -m "push <whatever you did> to heroku site"
git push heroku master
----Structure of Game Code----
In the index.html, there are multiple javascript sources in the body, these are the files that run the tictactoe game. Each file, except for game.js, is a different state of the game, i.e menu, win, etc.
game.js initializes the game object and loads all of these states to the game object. First, loadState loads the imgs, then the menuState is displayed. When the user clicks the screen, ticTacState starts, which is the actual game. From there, when the game ends winState is displayed, which can then restart ticTacState once the user clicks the screen again.
Basic Game in Phaser Tutorial http://phaser.io/tutorials/making-your-first-phaser-game/index
States in Phaser http://perplexingtech.weebly.com/game-dev-blog/using-states-in-phaserjs-javascript-game-developement
Local Http Server http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-really-simple-http-server-python
Networking (When we get there) http://www.dynetisgames.com/2017/03/06/how-to-make-a-multiplayer-online-game-with-phaser-socket-io-and-node-js/