Apache ServiceComb Java-Chassis 3.2.3
What's Changed
- [#4532] Fixed when the servicecomb engine storage pool is faulty, the registration and configuration centers cannot perform HA switchover problem by @chengyouling in #4533
- [#4560]change return type of create method in DynamicPropertiesSource by @yinhaox in #4561
- [#4562] fixed dual-AZ engine disk abnormal scenario registration center intermittently delete instance problem (#4563) by @chengyouling in #4566
- [SCB-2892]support Etcd as Discovery by @SweetWuXiaoMei in #4564
- Optimize discoveryManager to achieve code separation of concerns by @karsonto in #4571
- [#4593]Fix when API change edge service not load latest schema problem by @liubao68 in #4594
- [SCB-2892]add dynamic config for etcd by @SweetWuXiaoMei in #4595
- Improve bean name to avoid conflicts with other frameworks by @liubao68 in #4602
Dependencies Update
- chore(deps): Bump org.apache:apache from 31 to 33 by @caimo in #4535
- Bump org.owasp:dependency-check-maven from 10.0.3 to 10.0.4 by @dependabot in #4554
- Bump com.alibaba.nacos:nacos-client from 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 by @dependabot in #4553
- Bump com.google.guava:guava from 33.2.1-jre to 33.3.1-jre by @dependabot in #4552
- Bump log4j2.version from 2.23.1 to 2.24.1 by @dependabot in #4543
- Bump io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin from 0.45.0 to 0.45.1 by @dependabot in #4551
- Bump org.apache.maven:maven-model from 3.9.8 to 3.9.9 by @dependabot in #4550
- Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to by @dependabot in #4536
- Bump com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom from 2.17.2 to 2.18.0 by @dependabot in #4537
- Bump io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxjava from 3.1.8 to 3.1.9 by @dependabot in #4538
- Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.18.1 to 10.18.2 by @dependabot in #4539
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin from 3.2.5 to 3.2.7 by @dependabot in #4540
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #4544
- Bump io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-core-jakarta from 2.2.23 to 2.2.24 by @dependabot in #4546
- Bump org.mockito:mockito-bom from 5.13.0 to 5.14.1 by @dependabot in #4545
- Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.10.3 to 5.11.1 by @dependabot in #4542
- Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.17.0 by @dependabot in #4541
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-bom from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4 by @dependabot in #4549
- Bump spring-boot.version from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 by @dependabot in #4547
- Bump spring-boot.version from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 by @dependabot in #4574
- Bump io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-core-jakarta from 2.2.24 to 2.2.25 by @dependabot in #4592
- Bump curator.version from 5.7.0 to 5.7.1 by @dependabot in #4576
- Bump com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom from 2.18.0 to 2.18.1 by @dependabot in #4575
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 by @dependabot in #4577
- Bump org.mockito:mockito-bom from 5.14.1 to 5.14.2 by @dependabot in #4578
- Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.11.1 to 5.11.3 by @dependabot in #4579
- Bump com.alibaba.nacos:nacos-client from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 by @dependabot in #4580
- Bump com.puppycrawl.tools:checkstyle from 10.18.2 to 10.20.0 by @dependabot in #4581
- Bump org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 by @dependabot in #4583
- Bump org.owasp:dependency-check-maven from 10.0.4 to 11.1.0 by @dependabot in #4585
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin from 3.20.0 to 3.21.0 by @dependabot in #4586
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 by @dependabot in #4588
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 by @dependabot in #4589
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 by @dependabot in #4590
- Bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 by @dependabot in #4582
- Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-bom from 1.13.4 to 1.13.6 by @dependabot in #4591
- Bump com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-maven-plugin from to by @dependabot in #4587
- Bump com.google.protobuf:protobuf-java from 3.25.3 to 3.25.5 in /demo/demo-etcd/consumer by @dependabot in #4570
- ci: adapt linelint for better git history by @shoothzj in #4555
- ci: fix test of adapt linelint by @caimo in #4556
- Updated Notice file to 2024 by @pcHwang2 in #4557
- update project info by @liubao68 in #4558
- ci: add typos check in ci workflow by @pcHwang2 in #4601
New Contributors
- @caimo made their first contribution in #4535
- @pcHwang2 made their first contribution in #4557
- @yinhaox made their first contribution in #4561
- @SweetWuXiaoMei made their first contribution in #4564
Full Changelog: 3.2.2...3.2.3