QuickDT is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.
If you are unfamiliar with Decision Tree Learning, it's the process of building a decision tree to categorize things, based on training data that you feed it. Learn more on Wikipedia.
QuickDT is a Java Decision Tree Learning library designed to be flexible, easy to use, fast, and effective. QuickDT was originally written by Ian Clarke, with significant contributions by Alex Hawk and Chris Reeves of OneSpot. The initial public release was on 2011-09-21. Sergey Antopolskiy and Martin Ruskov of myInvenio needed a machine learning algorithm whose results are easier to interpret by end users, so added some optional features to that end.
QuickDT also supports Random Decision Forests, which deliver a significant improvement in predictive performance by combining multiple decision trees. QuickDT also includes functionality to easily do cross-validation in a flexible but easy-to-use manner.
Prior to starting work on QuickDT, I found two Java decision tree learning libraries.
jaDTi is the first, it works, its fast, but its API is horrible, it doesn't take advantage of Generics, and forces you to use Vectors (which have been out of fashion for some years now). Its last release was in 2004, and it shows.
Weka is actually a suite of learning algorithms, which include Decision Tree algorithms. Its API is marginally better than jaDTi, but still quite ugly by today's standards. Worse, it seems to be a memory hog, and had various other minor annoyances that made it unsuitable for use on Google App Engine, which is what I needed.
Both of these libraries are unfortunately released under the GNU General Public License, which means that you can't use them in your project without being forced to release your entire codebase as open source. QuickDT is under the GNU Lesser General Public License which doesn't have this requirement.
QuickDT is distributed using Maven. To use it in your project just add this repository to your pom.xml file:
<name>Sanity's Maven repository on GitHub</name>
And this dependency:
Now that it's installed, we'll create some data. Let's say we know someone's height, weight, and gender, and we want to create a
decision tree that tells us whether they are underweight, healthy, or overweight. Each "instance" is a training example. "height", 55
an "attribute" of the instance, and "overweight", "healthy", and "underweight" are all "classifications".
Instance.create() is some syntactic sugar that makes it easier to create Instances (although it's easy even without it).
import quickdt.*;
final Set<Instance> instances = Sets.newHashSet();
// A male weighing 168lb that is 55 inches tall, they are overweight
instances.add(HashMapAttributes.create("height", 55, "weight", 168, "gender", "male").classification("overweight"));
instances.add(HashMapAttributes.create("height", 75, "weight", 168, "gender", "female").classification("healthy"));
instances.add(HashMapAttributes.create("height", 74, "weight", 143, "gender", "male").classification("underweight"));
instances.add(HashMapAttributes.create("height", 49, "weight", 144, "gender", "female").classification("underweight"));
instances.add(HashMapAttributes.create("height", 83, "weight", 223, "gender", "male").classification("healthy"));
In reality 5 examples wouldn't be enough to learn a useful tree, but you get the idea. Note that QuickDT can handle two types of data:
- Categorical
These values are categories, for example the attribute "gender" in the example above has possible values "male" and "female". It is ok for an attribute to have hundreds of possible values, but thousands or tens of thousands may slow down the tree building process significantly. Values don't have to be strings, they can be almost any object type that isn't a number.
- Numeric
Numbers like 1.3, -25, or 3.1415. These can be integers, or floating point numbers, positive or negative, any object that implements the java.lang.Number class. Values like Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY and other non-real numbers aren't supported and will probably result in an exception or unexpected behavior.
Next we create a TreeBuilder, and use it to build a tree using this data:
TreeBuilder treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
Tree tree = treeBuilder.buildPredictiveModel(instances);
That's it! So, let's say that we have a new person and we'd like to use our decision tree to tell us if they are healthy:
Leaf leaf = tree.getLeaf(HashMapAttributes.create("height", 62, "weight", 201, "gender", "female"));
if (leaf.getBestClassification().equals("healthy")) {
System.out.println("They are healthy!");
} else if (leaf.getBestClassification().equals("underweight")) {
System.out.println("They are underweight!");
} else {
System.out.println("They are overweight!");
Its as simple as that! But what if you wanted to see what the tree looks like? That's easy too:
This is what the output might look like for a larger dataset:
height > 66.0
weight > 174.0
height > 72.0
weight > 193.0
[classification=healthy, depth=4, exampleCount=9880, probability=0.5719635627530364]
weight <= 193.0
[classification=healthy, depth=4, exampleCount=5231, probability=0.7056012234754349]
height <= 72.0
weight > 193.0
[classification=overweight, depth=4, exampleCount=5514, probability=1.0]
weight <= 193.0
[classification=overweight, depth=4, exampleCount=2864, probability=0.8837290502793296]
weight <= 174.0
height > 72.0
weight > 157.0
[classification=underweight, depth=4, exampleCount=4810, probability=0.6498960498960499]
weight <= 157.0
weight > 139.0
[classification=underweight, depth=5, exampleCount=5032, probability=0.9600556438791733]
weight <= 139.0
[classification=underweight, depth=5, exampleCount=5664, probability=1.0]
height <= 72.0
weight > 139.0
weight > 157.0
[classification=healthy, depth=5, exampleCount=2582, probability=0.7153369481022464]
weight <= 157.0
[classification=healthy, depth=5, exampleCount=2672, probability=0.8944610778443114]
weight <= 139.0
[classification=underweight, depth=4, exampleCount=3041, probability=0.8122328181519237]
height <= 66.0
weight > 174.0
[classification=overweight, depth=2, exampleCount=26366, probability=1.0]
weight <= 174.0
height > 60.0
weight > 139.0
weight > 157.0
[classification=overweight, depth=5, exampleCount=2568, probability=1.0]
weight <= 157.0
[classification=overweight, depth=5, exampleCount=2802, probability=0.6912919343326196]
weight <= 139.0
[classification=healthy, depth=4, exampleCount=3113, probability=0.8801798907805974]
height <= 60.0
height > 54.0
weight > 139.0
[classification=overweight, depth=5, exampleCount=5178, probability=1.0]
weight <= 139.0
[classification=overweight, depth=5, exampleCount=3026, probability=0.8978849966953073]
height <= 54.0
[classification=overweight, depth=4, exampleCount=9657, probability=1.0]
Note that there are two types of decisions, depending on whether its a categorical or numeric field. If its numeric, then QuickDT will normally do a less-than or greater-than decision, if its categorical (or sometimes when its numeric) it will be a test to see if the value is or isn't a member of a set.
QuickDT is built using Apache Maven so if you don't have that, you should grab it. You'll also need git.
First, grab the code from github:
$ git clone git@github.com:sanity/quickdt.git
Next, build a jar file:
$ cd quickdt
$ mvn assembly:assembly
If all goes well, you'll find a file called something like quickdt-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar in the target/ directory.
I've done limited benchmarking, but by way of example QuickDT is able to build a tree with 100% recall on a test set with 8,500 instances, where each instance contains 46 attributes, a mixture of categorical and numeric. On my several-years-old MacBook Pro laptop it required only 8 seconds to produce a well-balanced tree with over 500 nodes.
QuickDT allows to create forests from multiple decision trees to avoid the problem of overfitting and to improve classification accuracy. For creating such a forest, a method called "random subspace" (Tin K. Ho; The random subspace method for constructing decision forests; 1998) is employed, where only a subset of all available attributes are considered at each branch. A further mechanism which can be used, is the so called bootstrap sampling also known as "bagging". The idea behind bagging is to create different random bootstrap sample of the training data for each tree, which is a subset drawn of all available instances with duplicates. For more information see Bagging Predictors (Leo Breiman, 1994). For classification, an instance is classified by each tree in the forest separately and a majority vote decides about the final class label.
Usage of the bagging is quite straight forward. Set up a TreeBuilder
and if you want to use "random subspace" as described above, make sure to configure the ignoreAttributeAtNodeProbability
to a value below 1 (0.7 is a good choice). This parameter denotes the probability, that a attribute will be skipped at a branch. Create a new RandomForestBuilder
wrapping the TreeBuilder and specify the number of trees to grow using the numTrees
method. Bagging can be activated by useBagging
import quickdt.*;
import quickdt.data.*;
import quickdt.predictiveModels.randomForest.*;
TreeBuilder treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder()
RandomForestBuilder randomForestBuilder = new RandomForestBuilder(treeBuilder)
RandomForest randomForest = randomForestBuilder.buildPredictiveModel(instances);
Attributes attributes = HashMapAttributes.create("height", 62, "weight", 201, "gender", "female");
Serializable classification = randomForest.getClassificationByMaxProb(attributes);
System.out.println("Assigned class: " + classification);
QuickDT provides a simple but flexible cross-validation framework. At the simplest level you give CrossValidator a PredictiveModelBuilder, a dataset (an Iterable), and it will give you a root-mean-squared-error based on cross validation where 10% of the dataset has been reserved for testing.
See Benchmarks.java for a usage example.
QuickDT also includes a hyperparameter optimizer, to find the optimal parameters for a PredictiveModelBuilder. See PredictiveModelOptimizerTest.java for a simple usage example.
Split scoring formula
Like all decision tree learners, QuickDT uses a formula to determine the quality of a "split" at each branch. I've tested a wide variety of formulae, and eventually settled on MSEScorer. So far as I know it's a novel approach.
This Scorer is designed to estimate the improvement in "mean-squared error" resulting from the creation of a new branch. In tests this performed better than Gini impurity, and various other approaches I tried. Its easy to try your own, just implement Scorer and pass it to the TreeBuilder constructor.
Finding the best categorical branch
Given a categorical attribute (ie. one where the values are strings), we start by scoring the splits produced by a set of size one, testing each value in turn.
We take the best of these, and then try adding another value to this set, again, trying each of the remaining values in turn and scoring them.
We keep adding to the set until adding a new value results in a lower score than the set has without it. Once that happens we terminate, and that's our set.
Unique ID attribute
idAttribute can be specified with TreeBuilder.setIdAttribute(idAttribute)
. idAttribute is the name of the column which has a special function in the model. idAttribute is not used for classification, i.e. it is exempt from the splits. However, it is used to create special unique ID counts: how many data points with unique IDs are present in the leafs. Count are class-specific, kept separately for each class in each leaf.
To query the counts, use TreeBuilder.getIdAttributesHandler()
with the following methods:
to get the map containing counts for each leaf, can be queried with Leaf.hashCode().getCountForLeaf(Leaf.hashCode())
to get the id counts for specific leaf.getCountForLeafClass(Leaf.hashCode(), class)
to get the id counts for specific class within specific leaf.getCountForMajorityClass(Leaf)
to get the id counts for the majority class of the specific leaf.getTotalCounts()
to get the total id counts for each class.