- Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, JavaScript
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, Django, Tailwind, TypeScript, Prisma ORC
- Database Management: MongoDB, MySQL
- Blockchain Development: Solidity, Web3.js, zk-SNARKs, ZoKrates, Polygon, Chai, Hardhat, Truffle, Gnache, Chainlink, Base
- Data Analysis: Machine Learning, Data Analytics
- Natural Language Processing: Text Analysis, Language Modeling
- Digital Marketing: SEO, Content Strategy, Google Analytics
- Scripting: Google Apps Script
- Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, WebSocket, APIs
- Languages & Tools: JavaScript, React, Node.js, MongoDB, WebSocket, Python, Django, APIs
- Key Projects:
- Mentor Match: Developed a mentorship and networking platform using JavaScript, React, and MongoDB. Integrated WebSocket for real-time communication and implemented a custom matching algorithm for effective user pairing.
- Digital Transaction: Created an online money transaction system with robust database features ensuring data integrity and seamless transfers.
- International Space Station Tracker: Built a Django-based website for tracking the ISS's real-time location and sunrise/sunset times, with automated email notifications for users.
- Moonlight: Designed a platform for university students to connect anonymously for stress and suicide prevention, utilizing JavaScript, React, and WebSocket for secure communication.
- Languages & Tools: Python, Selenium, APIs, Machine Learning, NLP Libraries, OpenCV, Django
- Key Projects:
- Games & Bots: Developed interactive games (Breakout, Tic Tac Toe, Snake) and created a Twitter bot for automation using API integration.
- Web Scraping: Built web scraping tools with Selenium for data extraction.
- Data Analytics: Implemented product comparison using machine learning techniques.
- Natural Language Processing: Developed "Modern Upanishad," an educational storytelling platform.
- Computer Vision: Completed coursework in image processing and analysis.
- Web Development: Created a real-time ISS tracking website using Django.
- Languages & Tools: Solidity, Web3.js, zk-SNARKs, ZoKrates, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon
- Key Projects:
- Decentralized Star Notary: Created NFTs based on real astronomical data with evolving properties, cross-chain integration, and mystery elements.
- Ethereum SupplyChain Dapp: Implemented a smart contract-based supply chain tracker featuring user permission management and state transitions.
- Real Estate Marketplace: Minted property titles as NFTs, enabled secure property verification via zk-SNARKs, and deployed the DApp on Rinkeby test network.
- Automated Market Maker: Developed using C++ for blockchain asset management.