A minimal static website designed to host my CV and contact me.
Footer contains links to common services (GH, contact me, CV, etc.)
I need somewhere to keep track of my CV and this seems like a good enough place to do it (version control, yay) but also means I can host in online.
The downside is it's not easily converatable to PDF/doc formats (maybe I'll change thatat some point...).
Run the build script (pretty sure I don't need this anymore!) then open static/index.html in your favourite browser - simples :)
Available receipes are
- build - (default) moves source files to a static folder and replaces placeholders
- clean - removes the static folder
- loop - runs the build recipe once a second
Push your branch and netlify will take care of the rest :)
Note that the build agents on netlify use dash by default. To verify the build will continue to work (in particular the Makefile)
ensure dash is installed locally then run ./test.sh
This will just loop through some common shells and run make clean build
The contact functionality on the webpage is backed by some services running in AWS. These are
- API gateway - hosts the actual API (https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/andrewflbarnes/andrewflbarnes/1.0.0
- Lambda - a serverless function which integrates with SES to deliver the email
(WIP) Some of these services are managed through terraform which can be found in the aws folder