A platform for hypermedia multi-agent systems (MAS) (see [1]) built with Vert.x. The current prototype implementation provides two core functionalities:
it servers as a repository for hypermedia environments that conform to the Agents & Artifacts meta-model [2]
it acts as a hub that partially implements the W3C WebSub recommendation.
[1] Andrei Ciortea, Olivier Boissier, and Alessandro Ricci. Engineering World-Wide Multi-Agent Systems with Hypermedia. In Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (V. Mascardi, A. Ricci, and D. Weyns,eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2018. To appear.
[2] Alessandro Ricci, Michele Piunti, and Mirko Viroli. Environment Programming in multi-agent systems: an artifact-based perspective. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 23(2):158{192, Sep 2011.
To build the project, just run the default gradle task:
The default Gradle task shadowJar
generates a fat-jar in the build/libs
To start an Yggdrasil node:
java -jar build/libs/emas2018-yggdrasil-0.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar -conf src/main/conf/config1.json
The configuration file is optional. Open your browser to http://localhost:8080. You should see an Yggdrasil v0.0
The HTTP API implements CRUD operations for 3 types of resources:
environments (URI template:
) -
workspaces (URI template:
) -
artifacts (URI template:
and PUT
requests use Turtle payloads (current implementation only validates payload syntax).
requests can use the Slug
header (see RFC5023) to hint at a preferred IRI for a resource to be created. If the IRI is not already in use, it will be minted to the created resource.
When creating a resource via POST
, the resource to be created is identified in the Turtle payload via a null relative IRI:
curl -i -X POST \ http://localhost:8080/environments/ \ -H 'content-type: text/turtle' \ -H 'slug: env1' \ -d '<> a <http://w3id.org/eve#Environment> ; <http://w3id.org/eve#contains> <http://localhost:8080/workspaces/wksp1> .'
When retrieving the representation of a resource from Yggdrasil, the HTTP response contains 2 Link
headers that clients can use to subscribe for receiving notifications whenever the resource is updated (see the W3C WebSub recommendation). Sample request:
GET /workspaces/wksp1 HTTP/1.1 Host: yggdrasill.andreiciortea.ro HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/turtle Link: <http://yggdrasill.andreiciortea.ro/hub>; rel="hub" Link: <http://yggdrasill.andreiciortea.ro/workspaces/wksp1>; rel="self" <http://yggdrasill.andreiciortea.ro/workspaces/wksp1> a <http://w3id.org/eve#Workspace> ; <http://w3id.org/eve#hasName> "wksp1" ; <http://w3id.org/eve#contains> <> , <http://yggdrasill.andreiciortea.ro/artifacts/event-gen> .
Using the discovered hub and topic IRIs, a client can subscribe for notification via a POST
request that contains a JSON payload with the following fields (see the W3C WebSub recommendation):
When a resource is updated, Yggdrasil issues POST
requests with the (updated) resource representation to all registered callbacks.