I going to demonstrate a rolling update for an auto-scaling group which contains 2 websites using an ansible-playbook with the help of Jenkins & Git , i.e, When ever the developer makes changes to the website and updates changed files in git, it will be updated atomatically in the existing website automatically.
- Basic Knowledge in AWS services, Ansible and Jenkins.
- ASG Rolling update is possible using ansible-playbook,Jenkins and Git
- No need of an inventory file as we are using Dynamic ASG
How to Install:
Click to know more about Installation:
An ASG with 2 EC2 instances running which have the same copies of a running website. The load is balanced between them using an Elastic Load Balancer.
- Every time the developers makes changes to the website and push the new site contents to the git, the ansible playbook has to be run manually inorder to fetch the new files from git and replace it with existing ones in the website so that the changes would be reflected.
Solution is to automate the the process via Jenkins(Continuos Deployment). Once the developer pushes the edited code to Github, Jenkins Server will be triggered via the webhook configured. So that the the build will take place and will be running the ansible-playbook automatically to update the changes to the exisitng site.
- When the update happens, instances will be taken out of service and new ones will be created instead of them, which causes downtime as well as extra billing expense.
The play book is written in such a manner that only one instance will be updated at a time and that too without deleting the existing instance. This is implemented with the help of 'health check' feature of ASG and controlling playbook execution using 'seriel'. The instances would be taken out of ASG one at a time by creating a health check failure artificially and once the changes are made to it, it is moved back to the ASG and put back to health before taking the other instance out of ASG. Thus one instance will be available always which ensures that there is no downtime and also since the instances are not deleted, there won't be any extra billing.
- name: "Dynamic Invetory Of Autoscaling Group"
hosts: localhost
access_key: "xxxxxxxxx" <==== replace xx with your IAM user access_key
secret_key: "yyyyyyyyy" <==== replace yy with your IAM user secret_key
region: "zz-zzzzz-z" <==== replace zz with your region
- name: "Fetching details of ASG EC2 Instances"
aws_access_key: "{{ access_key }}"
aws_secret_key: "{{ secret_key }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
"tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName": "MyASG" <==== 'MyASG' is the name of my autoscaling group
instance-state-name: [ "running"]
register: asgValue <==== It is a custom register. You can give any name
- name: "Dynamic Inventory Of ASG"
name: "{{ item.public_ip_address }}"
groups: "asg" <==== 'asg' is the name given to dynamic nventory group
ansible_host: "{{ item.public_ip_address }}"
ansible_port: 22
ansible_user: "ubuntu"
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/root/devops.pem" <==== path to my private keyfile
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
- "{{ asgValue.instances }}"
- name: "Deploying website from Github"
hosts: asg
become: true
serial: 1
gitRepo: "https://github.com/anandg1/test.git" <====Replace this with your git repo which contain website files
cloneDir: "/var/git/"
docRoot: "/var/www/html/"
health_time: "25"
- name: "Installing Apache"
update_cache: true
- apache2
- git
state: present
- name: "Clone directory creation"
path: "{{ cloneDir }}"
state: directory
- name: "Cloning Repo from git"
repo: "{{ gitRepo }}"
dest: "{{ cloneDir }}"
register: cloneValue
- name: "Disable HealthCheck"
when: cloneValue.changed
path: "/var/www/html/health.txt"
state: file
mode: 0000
- name: "Off Loading the EC2 From ELB"
when: cloneValue.changed
seconds: "{{ health_time }}"
- name: "Copy all files from Clone directory to Document root"
when: cloneValue.changed
src: "{{ cloneDir }}"
dest: "{{ docRoot }}"
remote_src: true
owner: www-data
group: www-data
- name: "Deleting contents of clone directory"
when: cloneValue.changed
state: absent
path: "{{ cloneDir}}"
- name: "Insert DNS name"
when: cloneValue.changed
path: "{{ docRoot }}/index.html"
line: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
insertafter: <h6>Hostname</h6>
- name: "Restart/Enabled apache"
when: cloneValue.changed
name: apache2
state: restarted
enabled: true
- name: "Enable HealthCheck"
when: cloneValue.changed
path: "/var/www/html/health.txt"
state: file
mode: 0644
- name: "Loading the EC2 back to ELB"
when: cloneValue.changed
seconds: "{{ health_time }}"
- In your Git repo, move to settings ---> Webhooks
- Fill the payload URL section with the below code.
http://< jenkins-server-IP >:8080/github-webhook/
Replace jenkins-server-IP with original IP/
- Open Jenkins using http://< serverIP >:8080 in browser
- To install ansible plugin, go to Manage Jenkins --> Manage Plugins
- Search 'Ansible' in search box in 'Available' section.
- Tick Ansible and complete the installation
- Navigate to Global Tool Configuration
- Enter the name and executable path for the ansible. (executebale path can be obatined from 'which ansible' command's result in ansible master node)
- Now, create new job in Jenkins by clicking 'freestyle project'
- Now, in the source code management, provide the GitHub Repository name
- Apply build procedure to invoke the ansible-playbook
- Update the ansbilbe playbook file location.
- Provide the vault credentials if the ansible file is already encrypted.
- Update the Jenkins configuration to trigger the playbook when it recieves webhook by ticking the following
GitHub hook trigger for GITScm Polling
Deploying ASG rolling update using GIT and Jenkins has been completed successfully