I wanted to write a Gnome extension and see how Gtk4 on JS is compared to Gtk2 on C from more than a decade ago.
Run on Gnome 45+.
An earlier commit works for versions from Gnome 3.36 through Gnome 44.
...according to how much I know thus far.
- Clone this and cd into it.
ln -s \
pwd` ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/sensors@alzwded.example.com `- Reboot?
gnome-extensions enable sensors@alzwded.example.com
(or whatever name you gave the symbolink- It works?
Instead of rebooting, one can run
dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --nested --wayland
From that session, launch a terminal and gnome-extensions enable sensors@alzwded.example.com
. Close session. Launch again. Extension should be there if there weren't any hiccups.
- cleanup
- figure out how these things get packaged
- figure out how these things get submitted
- replace infowindow.js Gtk/Gjs app with St stuff that eliminates the need of packaging a separate app; otherwise, may as well launch
gnome-terminal -- watch sensors