- Check you have docker and docker-compose installed
docker --version
docker-compose --version
Set a GITHUB_ORG env var containing the organisation login short name from the GitHub URL.
Set a TOKEN env var containing a read-only personal access token for a GitHub org admin user. The permissions needed for the token are:
, read:org
, read:public_key
, read:repo_hook
, read:user
, user:email
(Alternatively the token can be retrieved from SSM if the make command is run via aws-vault or similar to set AWS credentials.)
- Create or change the
make audit
Gets the paged repository data with vulnerability alerts
The audit process runs the api calls to collect vulnerability and activity data from github as well as the dependabot config API to determine which repositories have dependabot enabled.
You can run individual tasks from the audit process for testing.
For example to rebuild the interface route template data files you can call the following:
make task TASK=routes
You can call the tasks separately because the full audit takes a long time to run.
The run
task currently runs the npm install and then runs the gulp tasks
to build the static assets, js and css.
make run
Run the unit tests by running
make test
Before you can run the terraform you need to create a zipped lambda deployment.
You can do that by running
make zip
TODO We can probably make the terraform run the zip command
The terraform is in build/terraform
To init you need a backend.tfvars
bucket = "<bucket name>"
key = "<state file path>"
region = "eu-west-2"
encrypt = true
Then you can run
terraform init -reconfigure -backend-config=path/to/backend.tfvars
You need an apply.tfvars
region = "eu-west-2"
bucket_prefix = "cyber-security"
runtime = "python3.7"
github_org = "<github organisation shortname>"
Service = "github-audit"
SvcOwner = "<who to email>"
Environment = "<should match a setting file env>"
DeployedUsing = "Terraform"
SvcCodeURL = "https://github.com/alphagov/cyber-security-security-advisory-dashboard"
Then you can run
terraform apply -var-file=path/to/apply.tfvars