Returns an array where the first item is the geolocation state from useGeolocationState and the second one is an object of callback setters from the useGeolocationEvents.
It is intended as a shortcut to those hooks.
- allow to easily access the Geolocation API
- takes care of adding the geolocation events listeners
- takes care of cleaning the listener when the component will unmount
- allow to perform abstractions on geolocation related events
import { useGeolocation } from 'beautiful-react-hooks';
const PositionReporter = () => {
const [geoState, { onChange }] = useGeolocation();
onChange(() => {
console.log('Position changed...');
return (
The current position is:
{geoState.isRetrieving && (<p>Retrieving position...</p>)}
{geoState.isSupported && geoState.position && [
<p key={0}>Lat: {geoState.position.coords.latitude}</p>,
<p key={1}>Lng: {geoState.position.coords.longitude}</p>
<PositionReporter />
Before using, please read about the geolocation options
import { useGeolocation } from 'beautiful-react-hooks';
const PositionReporter = () => {
const [geoState, { onChange }] = useGeolocation({
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 0xFFFFFFFF,
maximumAge: 0,
onChange(() => {
console.log('Position changed...');
return (
The current position is:
{geoState.isRetrieving && (<p>Retrieving position...</p>)}
{geoState.isSupported && geoState.position && [
<p key={0}>Lat: {geoState.position.coords.latitude}</p>,
<p key={1}>Lng: {geoState.position.coords.longitude}</p>
<PositionReporter />
- If in need to easily access the Geolocation API.
- Don't use this hook to try to guess the user's device capabilities
- Don't access the geolocation state before checking hte