A color palette generator built using JS.
The color palette will change colors upon clicking the refresh button.
The palette consists of 5 colors. Each color contains the same control options:
- Hex Code: clicking the hex code displayed on each color copies the code. A pop-up is displayed to alert that the code has been copied.
- Settings: each color can have its hue, brightness and saturation manually updated. Doing so updates the hex code, and changes the text color depending on the chosen color. These settings are displayed using a popup.
- Lock: a color can be locked to the palette so it will change upon clicking refresh.
Below the color palette are 3 buttons, one is the refresh button as mentioned already. The library button displays a popup containing any previously saved palettes, clicking a saved palette will change the currently displayed palette to the saved palette. Finally, the save button will display a popup where a name can be given to the currently displayed palette, it is then saved to the library for later use.
Live Link - alancphilpott.github.io/coolors/