Goal: a method for English-speakers to learn vocabulary of a foreign language is to listen to content in that language and have a short list of keywords that you listen for
Using keyword extraction method RAKE and English-translated song lyrics, I extracted some keywords for each BTS song. A future improvement would be to do the extraction on the original Korean lyrics to ensure the correct Hangul vocabulary is used.
GeniusLyrics_Get English Translation Lyrics.ipynb
- gets the English Translated lyrics of BTS songs using the Genius API
- outputs a uncleaned dataframe of songs with lyrics and metadata
BTS keyword extraction.ipynb
- cleans the dataset and gets it ready for keyword extraction analysis
- RAKE method for keyword extraction
- outputs table of top English keywords per song
From album BTS - MAP OF THE SOUL
From album BTS - Love Yourself 轉 ‘Tear’
How to Get started with Genius API: https://towardsdatascience.com/song-lyrics-genius-api-dcc2819c29
Genius API documentation: https://docs.genius.com/#referents-h2
Official lyricsgenius documentation: https://lyricsgenius.readthedocs.io/en/master/index.html