Purpose is to use Clojure, re-frame, shadow-cljs, mapbox-gl plus various map sources to build an app for combining multiple outdoors trail mapping resources and GPS / GPX creation & visualization from those resources.
- Implemented mapant.fi map overlay
yarn install
yarn run shadow-cljs watch app
Open browser at http://localhost:8280
- Map overlay controls UI
- GPX controls UI
- GPX track downloading
- GPX track making
- MLL map overlay
- GPS Tracking
- GPX track uploading
- Add attribution to mapant.fi guys
- Mapant.fi overlay
- Customized mapbox style
- Stay on GPS tracking via separate app..
- Mapant.fi raster layer looks best in EPSG:3067 projection, mapbox does not support it by default but there may be ways to use the original 3067 projection