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Play around with different module systems by generating JavaScript output with:

  • CommonJS modules (npm run build:main)
  • UMD modules (npm run build:umd)
  • AMD modules (npm run build:amd)
  • ES6 modules (npm run build:esm)

Start the dev server using npm run start and look at

  • index-esm.html (browser native ES6 modules)
  • index-amd.html (AMD modules with RequireJS loaded into browser)
  • index-webpack.html (Webpack bundled build à la Angular)

History of JavaScript module systems

  • Initially <script> tags only

    • Everything is global
    • Name clashes when libraries use the same identifiers
  • CommonJS (CJS) (2009)

    • exports object and require() function
    • came with Node.js
    • require() is synchronous and thus not suitable for browsers

Alternatives for the browser

  • AMD (Asynchronous module definition) and RequireJS (2009) define() function

  • UMD (universal module definition) pattern (2015)

  • ECMAScript modules (esm) since ES6/ECMAScript 2015

  • Bundlers like Webpack (2012)

ES6 modules

  • JavaScript file that contains an import or export statement is considered a module

  • exports define the public interface of the module

  • import is used to import other modules

  • import as static statement vs. import operator (function that returns a promise with the Module namespace object used for dynamic module loading)

  • "Equivalent" to Typescript modules

ES6 modules in the browser

  • ES6 modules are natively supported in modern browsers (

  • Use an importmap to map module names to files

  • import without .js suffix does not work without importmap (see example) (and Typescript doesn't add .js suffix to generated JavaScript files...)

Default export problem

  • There is a mismatch between CommonJS module exports and ES6 export (most of the libraries on are distributed as UMD modules with CommonJS support)

  • CommonJS can export anything from a module (e.g. lodash exports a function that also serves as an object with properties)

  • ES6 modules always export a Module namespace object with properties for every exported "member"

  • Default export (export default smiley) is available as property default on Module namespace object

  • import smiley from 'module-demo/smiley' is syntactic sugar for import { default as smiley } from ''module-demo/smiley'

Default export problem: Example lodash

  • lodash.d.ts: export = _ (Typescript special syntax for CommonJS style exports)

Three possibilities:

  1. import * as lodash from 'lodash' makes Typescript compile happily

    • When used in a native ES6 module environment however, the lodash object is a Module NS object which is not callable (see demo)

  1. @ts-ignore import lodash from 'lodash'

    • works, too! (because we know the esm version of the library lodash-es indeed does a default export)
    • however this does not work for module: umd, module: commonjs etc. (_.chain(...) is "transpiled" to lodash_1.default.chain(...))
  2. import lodash from 'lodash' with esModuleInterop set to true

    • works in both ES6 and UMD environments (see demo) because of helper function __importDefault
  • for me the best option is to use (1) if the imported module needs not to be called or (3) otherwise

Webpack (2012)

Webpack is a wide-spread bundler and used by Angular CLI internally. It bundles all modules into a single bundle.js. This is well explained in here.

TL;DL: All modules are packed into one big map keyed by module name. __webpack_require__(...) is then just a lookup into the map.

I've not yet looked into the options of different output module formats of Webpack or dynamic module loading with Webpack.


Slides created using:

Used typescript starter project:

History of JavaScript modules:

Explanation of "modern" ECMAScript Modules (esm):

Typescript docs on modules:

Explanation of bundlers:


Demo of different module types in JavaScript






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