AitalDisem is a project initiated by Lo Congrès following its collaboration with Wikidata. This project is the direct continuation of the project AitalvivemBot.
After having inserted lexicographicals data in Wikidata a problem has happened : how to link all the inserted occitan's lexeme to senses while avoiding the use of the proprietarys data used by Lo Congrès ?
The solution choosen is the creation of a web application, presented as a game, to link senses for each lexeme using the collaborative work of the community and then insert those associations in Wikdata.
- Define one (or more) administrator connection by editing the file sec/.htpasswd and sec/.htaccess.
- Edit the file sec/config.php to configure the application.
- Execute the script sec/sql/script_aitaldisem.sql on the MySQL server to create the database.
- Fill the database with your data, you can use the database creation tools.
- Be sure to have enough validated association in the database to run the tests of reliability at the beginning of a game.
For more informations please read the documentation.