- Import this project in your favorite IDE,
- Create a SQL Database named : kanbanboard (running by default on port 3306)
- (2. bis) Or run docker-compose up -d
- Start the backend by running the main java class RestServer.java.
You can change database connection configurations in persistence.xml file.
The API is by default available on http://localhost:8090/api
Open the link above in your favorite browser to get API Documentation generated by SwaggerUi.
Get started testing the routes by importing this Postman Collection. You will need to create an environment with two variables :
- url: http://localhost:8090/api
- access_token: (empty) - the access token is filled automatically right after login request succeeded.
NOTE : All routes except those for authentication (login and register), require the access token from login response,
as Bearer Token in Authorization Header, to add a security layer to the API and ease getting the current user making a request.
The access token is a Json Web Token (JWT).
You may also want to have a look at the KanbanBoard Class Diagram