Python port of the Aerospike Document API in Java.
This is currently in beta, so there may be bugs or features that aren't supported yet.
- All supported Python versions from the Python client
- Aerospike Python Client 6.x - 8.x
Not all JSONPath queries are currently supported. Here is a list of currently supported features:
Supported? | Feature | Examples |
[x] | Map access | $.item, $["item"] |
[x] | List access | $.list[0] |
[x] | Wildcard map access | $.* |
[x] | Wildcard list access | $.list[*] |
[x] | List slices | $.list[2:4] |
[x] | List step slices | $.list[2:4:1] |
[x] | List set of indices | $.list[2,4] |
[x] | Recursive access | $..item |
[x] | Exists filter | $.listOfMaps[?(@.mapitem)] |
[x] | Comparison filter | $.listOfMaps[?(@.mapitem > 10)] |
[x] | And filter | $.listOfMaps[?(@.mapitem > 10 & @.mapitem < 50)] |
[x] | Or filter | $.listOfMaps[?(@.mapitem < 10 | @.mapitem > 50)] |
[ ] | Variable filter | $.listOfMaps[?(@.mapitem < $['rootitem'])] |
[x] | Regex filter* | $.listOfMaps[?(@.mapitem =~ "(?i).*mesa")] |
[-] | Functions | $.list.length() supported |
* Python regex expressions are used
To add features to this project, please see
in the repository source code.