Product Management System
Tech Stack Used
Tools Used
Running the Application
To run the application, locate the file
in the directory src/main/java/com/products
and execute it.
- If you are using Eclipse IDE / Intellij Idea with Postman then follow this document.
- If you are using Intellij Idea + Restful Tool(Intellij Idea Plugin) then follow this readme.
CRUD Operations on Categories
Add Category (POST)
Body:{ "categoryId": 0, "categoryName": "String", "categoryDescription": "String", "products": [] }
Update Category (PUT)
Body:{ "id": 0, "categoryId": 0, "categoryName": "String", "categoryDescription": "String", "products": [] }
Get All Categories (GET)
a. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/categories
Description: Using this you will get first 5 categories
b. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/categories?page=0
Description: Using this you will get 5 categories of page 0 and you can change page likehttp://localhost:8080/api/categories?page=1
c. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/categories?page=0&size=5
Description: Using this you will get 5 categories of page 0 with default page size 5 and you can change page and size likehttp://localhost:8080/api/categories?page=1&size=10
and you will get page 1 and 10 categories will be displayed -
Get Category by Id (GET)
Body:{ "id": 0 }
Delete Category by Id (DELETE)
a. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/categories/{id}
Body:{ "id": 0 }
Description: Deletes the category with the specified ID if the product table does not contain entries associated with this category. If products exist, the category will not be deleted.
b. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/categories/{id}?force=true
Body:{ "id": 0 }
Description: Deletes the category with the specified ID along with associated products, regardless of whether products exist or not.
CRUD Operations on Products
Add Default Products (GET)
Add New Product (POST)
Body:{ "id": 0, "name": "Product Name", "cost": 0.0, "category": { "categoryId": 0, "categoryName": "Category Name", "categoryDescription": "Category Description", "products": [] } }
{ "id": 0, "name": "Product Name", "cost": 1542.0, "category": { "categoryId": 1 } }
Note: category id is mandatory
Get Product by Id (GET)
Body:{ "id": 0 }
Get All Products (GET)
a. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/products
Description: Using this you will get first 5 products
b. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/products?page=0
Description: Using this you will get 5 products of page 0 and you can change page likehttp://localhost:8080/api/products?page=1
c. URL:http://localhost:8080/api/categories?page=0&size=5
Description: Using this you will get 5 products of page 0 with default page size 5 and you can change page and size likehttp://localhost:8080/api/products?page=1&size=10
and you will get page 1 and 10 products will be displayed -
Delete Product by Id (DELETE)
Body:{ "id": 0 }
Update Product by Id (PUT)
Body:{ "id": 0, "name": "String", "cost": 0.0, "category": { "categoryId": 0, "categoryName": "String", "categoryDescription": "String", "products": [] } }
This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the endpoints and operations available in the Product Management System.