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A fully customisable Vue.js modal component.


  • Fully Customisable (borders, shadow, position, colors, backgrounds, width, etc...)
  • Responsive
  • Scrollable (with lock scroll on body)
  • Stackable (with z-index)
  • Animated (separate animations for background and modal window)
  • Auto-close on background click
  • Lightweight <15Kb
  • Header / Footer / Content Slots

Demo: jsFiddle

Getting started

  1. Install the component:
npm install --save vue-topmodal
yarn add vue-topmodal
  1. (Option A) Add the component into your app:
import Vue from 'vue'
import TopModal from 'vue-topmodal'

Vue.component('top-modal', TopModal)
  1. (Option B) Include JS & CSS:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
new Vue({
  components: {
  el: "#app",
  1. Usage
:bg-image="'radial-gradient(50% 54%, #53A0FD 50%, #4F3EEB 200%)'"
:modal-box-shadow="'0 0 9px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.09)'"
    <template v-slot:header></template>
    <template v-slot:content>
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut ipsum a dolor ultricies volutpat.
    <template v-slot:footer></template>


  • open (Boolean): Open or close the modal.
  • z-index (Number): Z-index of the modal.
  • bg (String): Background behind the modal.
  • bg-image (String): Background behind the modal, useful for images or gradients.
  • bg-animation (String): Name of the animation to use. Default to bg
  • container-scrollable (Boolean): Set to true if you want a scrollable modal.
  • column-position (String): Set the horizontal alignment of the modal. Valid values are: left,right,center
  • column-right (String): Space from right, eg. 10%. Only valid if column-position is right.
  • column-left (String): Space from left, eg. 10px. Only valid if column-position is left.
  • column-max-width (String): Set the max width of the modal. (for responsive use $mq | mq({...}) filters)
  • modal-animation (String): Name of the animation to use. Default to modal
  • modal-position (String): Set the vertical alignment of the modal. Valid values are: top,bottom,center
  • modal-top (String): Space from top, eg. 10%. Only valid if modal-position is top.
  • modal-bottom (String): Space from bottom, eg. 10px. Only valid if modal-position is bottom.
  • modal-border (String): Border of the modal eg. 1px solid black.
  • modal-border-radius (String): Border radius of the modal. Eg. 5px
  • modal-box-shadow (String): Shadow of the modal
  • modal-height (String): Height of the modal, default to auto
  • modal-background (String): Background of the modal
  • content-padding (String): Padding of the modal content slot. Default to 1em
  • scroll-lock (Boolean): Enable/Disable scroll lock. Enabled by default.


  • bg-click: Fired when the user click on the background behind the modal
  • opened: Open animation ended
  • closed: Hide animation ended, modal closed and unmounted


  • header
  • content
  • footer


I suggest to use the Vue mq plugin to modify the props based on the user device screen. In this way you can modify the whole behaviour of the modal for different resolutions. Eg:

:column-max-width="$mq | mq({
    sm: '350px',
    md: '500px',
    lg: '600px'




  • Adileo Barone


This project is licensed under the MIT License


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


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