A simple process manager for any executable. Lights. Camera. Action.
Usage: lights [options]
-action string
Whether to run the lights ON or OFF (start or stop processes).
-binary string
Binary to execute process (default "bun")
-cameras int
Number of processes to run based on number of CPUs on machine. (default 1)
-name string
Name of the process
-process string
Process to execute
lights -cameras 2 -action ON -name server -process test.ts
dev@M2-Air lights % ./lights -cameras 2 -action ON -name server -process
Executing: bun test.ts
Executing: bun test.ts
[ON] Process took: 4.713084ms
lights -action OFF -name server
dev@M2-Air lights % ./lights -action OFF -name server
[server] Killed process 26702
[server] Killed process 26703
[OFF] Process took: 557.25µs
lights list
lights list server
dev@M2-Air lights % ./lights list
Name CPU(%) MEMORY(MB) Uptime
server 0.00 23.48 3.978249s
server 0.00 23.33 3.984656s
[list] Process took: 10.734667ms
- Clone directory and Build
go build cmd/lights/lights.go
- Create directory
|-- bin/
|-- lights
Add binary to
directory - created in step 2 -
Add to PATH (this example is for .zshrc)
export LIGHTS_INSTALL="$HOME/.lights"
- Reload source
source ~/.zshrc
This is a lightweight implementation of a basic process manager. A few things it doesn't do, but could with little effort:
- Pipe all process logs into one unified log
- Reload a process, rather than stopping and starting (restart)
- Pass environment variables into process