Take Me There is an Android application that displays all the nearby restaurants using Zomato API from the User's current location.
This application was developed as a part of Udacity's Android Nanodegree course.
Clone this repository using,
git clone https://github.com/Abhishekds94/Take-Me-There.git
API keys required,
- Create an API key for your project on Zomato API console
- Get an API from Google places console. Follow this link to see how to get your own API key
- Get a Google AdMob API key. Follow this link to see how to get your own
- Now, create a file name
in your project folder and assign the API key values as shown below,
with the actual API_Key
- Helps the user to decide which is the best restaurant to visit by providing a curated list of all nearby restaurants
- It contains details such as cost for two, user votes and ratings, images, directions
- Users can also know more about the place that would take them to Zomato's landing page on click to know more about the place
- Under Settings, Users can set preferences such as distance, Cuisine Preference, Search Radius, and so on.
You can build the app with Android Studio or with ./gradlew assembleDebug
Below are a few of the ideas that I could think of to enhance the application,
- Adding different categories such as Hospitals, Shopping Malls, and so on
- Custom and User interaction based results
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.