A small web service for taxi fleet management that I wrote in an effort to learn Spring-Boot, JPA and Hibernate.
It mainly has two resources drivers and taxis. Service exposes various HTTP REST APIs to manage these drivers & cars.
There are APIs for creating/deleting drivers and cars, assigning cars to online drivers, searching & sorting drivers based on various filters, etc.
For detailed APIs documentation, please refer to SwaggerUI(http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html) after starting the server. It serves both as API document as well as interactive playground for trying out APIs.
Also, you can import etc/taxi-fleet-management.postman_collection.json which shows some request scenarios.
You should be able to start the server by executing com.triptaxi.TaxiFleetManagementApplication, which starts a webserver on port 8080 (http://localhost:8080).
Alternatively use following command line to start the server
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Java 1.8
- Spring Boot
- Database H2 (In-Memory)
- Maven