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CakePHP Stripe Component

This is a simple component that interfaces a CakePHP app with Stripe's PHP API library. Pass the component an array containing at least an amount and a Stripe token id, it will attempt the charge and return an array of the fields you want.

Version 2 adds the ability to create and retrieve customers, optionally subscribing them to a recurring payment plan or just charging them.


Tested with CakePHP 2.2.x, 2.3.x, and 2.4.x. The required Stripe PHP API library requires PHP 5 with cURL support.


Using Composer/Packagist:

In your project composer.json file:

	"require": {
		"chronon/stripe": "dev-master"
	"config": {
        "vendor-dir": "Vendor"

This will install the plugin into Plugin/Stripe, and install the Stripe library (from Packagist) into your Vendor directory.

In your app's Config/bootstrap.php, import composer's autoload file:

App::import('Vendor', array('file' => 'autoload'));

Using git:

You will need the component (packaged as a plugin), and Stripe's PHP library (not included). The Stripe library needs to be in this plugin's Vendor directory and must be named 'Stripe'. Using git, something like this:

git clone APP/Plugin/Stripe  
git clone git:// APP/Plugin/Stripe/Vendor/Stripe


All configuration is in APP/Config/bootstrap.php.

Required: Load the plugin:


or load all plugins:


Required: Set your Stripe secret API keys (both testing and live):

Configure::write('Stripe.TestSecret', 'yourStripeTestingAPIKeyHere');
Configure::write('Stripe.LiveSecret', 'yourStripeLiveAPIKeyHere');

Optional: Set Stripe mode, either 'Live' or 'Test'. Defaults to Test if not set.

Configure::write('Stripe.mode', 'Test');

Optional: Set the currency. Defaults to 'usd'. Currently Stripe supports usd only.

Configure::write('Stripe.currency', 'usd');

Optional: fields for the component to return mapped to => Stripe charge object response fields. Defaults to 'stripe_id' => 'id'. See the Stripe API docs for Stripe_Charge::create() for available fields. For example:

Configure::write('Stripe.fields', array(
	'stripe_id' => 'id',
	'stripe_last4' => array('card' => 'last4'),
	'stripe_address_zip_check' => array('card' => 'address_zip_check'),
	'stripe_cvc_check' => array('card' => 'cvc_check'),
	'stripe_amount' => 'amount'

See Usage below if Stripe.fields is confusing.

Optional: add a logging config:

CakeLog::config('stripe', array(
	'engine' => 'FileLog',
	'types' => array('info', 'error'),
	'scopes' => array('stripe'),
	'file' => 'stripe',

Making a Charge:

Make a payment form however you want, see the Stripe docs for sample code or use Stripe's excellent checkout button. Add the component to your controller:

public $components = array(

Format your form data so you can send the component an array containing at least an amount, a Stripe token (with key stripeToken), or a Stripe customer id (with key stripeCustomer):

$data = array(
	'amount' => '7.59',
	'stripeToken' => 'tok_0NAEASV7h0m7ny', // either the token
	'stripeCustomer' => 'cus_2x62nI9WxHsL37' // or the customer id, not both.

Optionally you can include a description key (default is null):

An arbitrary string which you can attach to a charge object. It is displayed when in the web interface alongside the charge. It's often a good idea to use an email address as a description for tracking later.

Optionally you can include a capture key set to true or false (default is true):

Whether or not to immediately capture the charge. When false, the charge issues an authorization (or pre-authorization), and will need to be captured later. Uncaptured charges expire in 7 days.

For example:

$data = array(
	'amount' => '7.59',
	'stripeToken' => 'tok_0NAEASV7h0m7ny',
	'description' => 'Casi Robot -'

$result = $this->Stripe->charge($data);

If the charge was successful, $result will be an array as described by the configuration value of Stripe.fields. If Stripe.fields is not set:

$result = array(
	'stripe_id' => 'ch_0NXLLCydWzSIeE'

If Stripe.fields is set, using the example described above in the Configuration section would give you:

$result = array(
	'stripe_id' => 'ch_0NXLLCydWzSIeE',
	'stripe_last4' => '4242',
	'stripe_address_zip_check' => 'pass',
	'stripe_cvc_check' => 'pass',
	'stripe_amount' => 769

If the charge was not successful, $result will be a string containing an error message, and log the error.

Creating a Customer:

Creating a customer with a card attached can be used for recurring billing/subscriptions, or can be charged immediately.

$data = array(
	'stripeToken' => 'tok_0NAEASV7h0m7ny',
	'description' => 'Casi Robot -'

$result = $this->StripeComponent->customerCreate($data);

If creating the customer was successful, $result will be an array as described by the configuration value of Stripe.fields. If Stripe.fields is not set:

$result = array(
	'stripe_id' => 'cus_2x62nI9WxHsL37'

If creating the customer was not successful, $result will be a string containing an error message, and log the error.

You can pass the customerCreate() method any valid keys/data as described by Stripe's API for creating a customer. See the API reference for the list. A customer can be created without a card, but obviously can't be charged or subscribed until a card is attached.

Example: to create a customer and subscribe them to a plan in one step, you could do something like this:

$data = array(
	'stripeToken' => 'tok_0NAEASV7h0m7ny',
	'description' => 'Casi Robot',
	'email' => '',
	'plan' => 'Silver Plan Deluxe'

$result = $this->StripeComponent->customerCreate($data);

Retrieving a Customer:

Once a customer has been created, you can retrieve the customer object easily with the customer id.

$customer = $this->StripeComponent->customerRetrieve('cus_2x62nI9WxHsL37');

Once you have the $customer object you can update and delete as needed. For example, to change the email address of an existing customer:

$customer = $this->StripeComponent->customerRetrieve('cus_2x62nI9WxHsL37');
$customer->email = '';

Retrieve and charge a customer:

$customer = $this->StripeComponent->customerRetrieve('cus_2x62nI9WxHsL37');
$chargeData = array(
	'amount' => '14.69',
	'stripeCustomer' => $customer['stripe_id']

$charge = $this->StripeComponent->charge($chargeData);

Retrieve and update a customer's card with a token:

$customer = $this->StripeComponent->customerRetrieve('cus_2x62nI9WxHsL37');
$customer->card = $this->request->data['stripeToken'];




A CakePHP 2.x Stripe Payment Processing Component






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