- In Visual Studio 2017 goto File > Open > CMake > (browse to the dir and select CMakeLists.txt file)
- Keep the same CMakeSettings.json if you wish to keep everything organized under one folder bin/
OR - Configurations(toolbar x64-Debug) > Manage Configurations > generates CMakeSettings.json
Navigate to the cloned repository directory
rm -rfd build && mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ && make
- Accepts a long double
- Removes the decimal points
- User has a simplify option to reduce it to simplest form
- (WIP) User can make the denominator common using LCM method
addition +
subtraction -
multiplication *
division /
greater than > , greater than or equal >=
less than < , less than or equal <=
is_equal ==
not equal !=
casts to integer (int)
casts to float (float)
casts to double (double)
lcm (WIP)
AST for string input
Mixed fractions display
GCD (handle multiples using initializer list / var template)
LCM (handle multiples using initializer list / var template)