This project exposes the Wikidata API as a Kotlin library.
For testing, get yourself an API token:
- Go to to request yourself an API token
- Mark the client as confidential
- Mark it as consumer use for yourself only and the token is auto-accepted for 30 days.
- Request specific permissions, but only the basic rights is enough.
- Submit the proposal, get Client application key, Client application secret, and Access token
Now you may try the API with this library, or manually:
- Go to to find examples of all the API calls
- Note that the page has an invalid "example" server configured to it -- use instead, like this:
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_GOES_HERE'
If you work with Maven, add a new repository into your ~/.m2/settings.xml
Also add username and access token for GitHub Packages:
Then, in your project's pom.xml, include this artifact:
Now, a minimal code example would look like this:
import io.github.zeroone3010.wikidata.Item;
import io.github.zeroone3010.wikidata.Wikidata;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Wikidata wikidata = new Wikidata(args[0]);
String itemId = "Q1085";
Item item = wikidata.getItem(itemId);
System.out.println(itemId + " is " + item.getLabels().get("en"));
And it would print out "Q1085 is Prague