A gem that generates random starting hands with a CSV file of your MTG Deck !
Decks are saved in a MtgHand deck folder at "User/decks/"
In your terminal : csv = MtgHand::Csv.read("path/to/your/deck.csv" OR "deckname") if saved on your MtgHand "decks" folder
Then : My_deck = MtgHand::Deck.new(csv) and you're ready to go !
- My_deck.hand will generate a starting hand of previously read deck.
- My_deck.mulligan will make a mulligan (generate another starting hand but with one less card).
- My_deck.save will save previously read deck into the MtgHand deck folder.
- My_deck.update will overwrite your previously saved file into the MtgHand deck folder.