Template Toolkit 2 to BEM bridge.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-tt2-bem --save-dev
One the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named bemdecl
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
bemdecl: {
someTarget: {
options: {
// Target-specific options go here.
root: 'path/to/root',
includes: [ 'includes', 'inc' ] // relative to $root
src: [ 'templates/**/*.html' ],
dest: 'bem/bundles.generated'
Each target defines a specific task that can be run.
Type: String
Default: Gruntfile.* directory
Templates root directory.
Type: Array
Default: [ '.' ]
(root directory)
List of directories contains include files.
Type: Array
Default: [ 'b', 'i', 'l' ]
Valid BEM prefixes.
Will catch all BEM-blocks started with (like
) and skip others (liked-quux__foo
Type: Array
| Function
Default: [ ]
Allowed BEM-blocks. Not allowed blocks will be filtered out from *.bemdecl.js
An empty list means that all BEM-blocks considered valid. If
used it should return anArray
of allowed blocks.
options: {
allowed: function () {
var blocks = [];
// build Array of allowed blocks
return blocks;
Type: String
Default: .html
Source files (templates) extension.
Type: String
Default: .bemdecl.js
Destination files (declarations) extension.
Type: String
Default: -
Separator for flattened files and directories.
Suppose we have source template called
the bemdecl file for it would be likechoose-domain-index.bemdecl.js
. So path parts will be joined withoptions.sep
Type: Number
Default: 0
The numbers of levels in source file path which should be skipped.
Used to get flatten path for a template. For the
and value of1
the parttemplates/
would be skipped.
Type: Number
Default: 4
The indentation levels for bemdecl structure.
The Gruntfile.js
of this distribution contains the task bemdecl:all
bemdecl: {
all: {
src: [ 'templates/**/*.html' ],
dest: 'test/fixtures/bem/bundles.generated',
options: {
root: 'test/fixtures',
includes: [ 'includes', 'templates' ],
cut: 1
A few templates utilized by this task located in directory test/fixtures/templates
. If we run this task by issuing a command grunt bemdecl:all
we will see the following:
$ grunt bemdecl:all
Running "bemdecl:all" (bemdecl) task
Processing test/fixtures/templates/choose/index.html...
Processing test/fixtures/templates/choose/new.html...
Processing test/fixtures/templates/web-sites/wix/index.html...
Done, without errors.
The directory test/fixtures/bem/bundles.generated
will be created and will contains declarations for each processed template:
$ tree test/fixtures/bem/bundles.generated
├── choose-index
│ └── choose-index.bemdecl.js
├── choose-new
│ └── choose-new.bemdecl.js
└── web-sites-wix-index
└── web-sites-wix-index.bemdecl.js
3 directories, 3 files
The .bemdecl.js
file contains declaration like this:
* Generated by bemdecl:all
* Source file: test/fixtures/templates/web-sites/wix/index.html
exports.blocks = [
"block": "b-foo",
"elem": "bar"
"block": "b-text",
"elems": [
"elem": "huge",
"mods": [
"mod": "font-size",
"val": "xlarge"
"mods": [
"mod": "font-family",
"val": "arial"
Source files and destination directory should be pointed through the src
and dest
properties respectively. Both properties are required to work the plugin. Task fails if src
and (or) dest
property undefined.
This property may handle the following types data: String
, Array
or Object
. There is some restrictions for the Object
form. Each value should be either String
or Array
. In other words it does not handle Object
as value for particular key (at the moment).
All empty, undefined, false and duplicate values will be filtered before processing.
Allowed to use path names or globbing patterns to point source files. See more at Configuring Tasks: Globbing Patterns.
This one is not flexible as src
. It accepts String
value only.
As String
bemdecl: {
all: {
options: { },
src: 'templates/**/*.html',
dest: 'bem/bundles.generated'
or composite String
(delimiter depends on platform: :
on Unix, ;
on Windows)
bemdecl: {
all: {
options: { },
src: 'templates/foo/*.html:!templates/foo/bar.html',
dest: 'bem/bundles.generated'
As Array
bemdecl: {
all: {
options: { },
src: [ 'templates/**/*.html' ],
dest: 'bem/bundles.generated'
As Object
. All values are plain String
or Array
. Duplicates and undefined members will be filtered.
bemdecl: {
all: {
options: { },
src: {
foo: [
qux: 'templates/qux/**/*.html'
dest: 'bem/bundles.generated'
See Changes.md
grunt-tt2-bem is licensed under the MIT license.