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The soon to be official homepage of the Willibald-Gluck-Gymnasium Neumarkt i.d.Opf.


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Content v2 Minimal Starter

Look at the Content documentation to learn more.


Make sure to install the dependencies:

npm install

Development Server

Start the development server on http://localhost:3000

npm run dev


Build the application for production:

npm run build

Locally preview production build:

npm run preview

Checkout the deployment documentation for more information.

Writing Content

Metadata in the document head

title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
date: 2023-04-16
tags: [Mathe, Neuigkeiten, Unterricht]
author: 'Max Mustermann'
    src: thumbnail.jpg # Place it inside the public/images/ folder
    alt: Ein thumbnail
# Content

Images in the article

Plain markdown

![Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne](/images/schule.jpg)

As HTML tag (if you want to add some CSS for example)

<img src="/images/schule.jpg" alt="Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne">

With a caption

    <img src="/images/schule.jpg" alt="Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne">
    <figcaption>Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne</figcaption>

Retain transparency by adding format="png"

<img src="/images/schule.jpg" format="png" alt="Ein Foto der roten Schule von vorne">

As a gallery

Images and captions need to be separated using , with an arbitrary amount of spaces afterward.

without captions:
<gallery images="/images/iamge1.jpg, /images/image2.jpg,/images/image3.jpg"></gallery>

with captions:
<gallery images="/images/iamge1.jpg,/images/image2.jpg,  /images/image3.jpg" captions="captions1, captions2,captions3"></gallery>

Other options

<img src="src" alt="alt" width="width" height="height" format="format" preset="preset">

More Info

Pin/Highlight articles

Pinned articles will appear in the Highlights Section of the homepage and appear first on the tag site.

title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
pinned: true

Hide Articles

Hidden articles will not appear on the homepage or on the category view. It is searchable though.

title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
hidden: true

Slides ignore hidden.

Add expiration date (archive Articles)

Hidden articles will not appear on the homepage or on the category view. It is searchable though.

title: 'Artikel wird archiviert am 17.06.2023'
expireOn: 2023-06-17
title: 'Artikel wird archiviert am 30.01.2023 um 8:00 Uhr'
expireOn: 2023-01-30T08:00

Slides ignore expireOn.

Redirect from article

If the redirect property is set on an article, the user will be redirected to the set URL. The history entry will be replaced.

title: 'Beispiel Artikel'
redirect: '/tag/Bücher'


Searching by tags

You can display all articles containing a tag (or one of multiple tags). Tags are separated by a plus sign.




To enable login functionality you need to connect a database (MariaDB) and a JSON Web Token.

NUXT_MARIA_DB_HOST = localhost

NUXT_JWT_SECRET = 5e3b515547be8f9547d562991f2e7b1d5f5aca309e076763ef3388c8604db5e4