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Retail Sales Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL

This Retail Sales Dataset is a snapshot of a fictional retail landscape, capturing essential attributes that drive retail operations and customer interactions. It includes key details such as Transaction ID, Date, Customer ID, Gender, Age, Product Category, Quantity, Price per Unit, and Total Amount.

Check out the full code in this Kaggle Notebook

These are the analyses I will perform:

  • Analysis 1: CustomerAge, Gender, and Purchasing Behaviour
  • Analysis 2: Top Product Category for each Age and Gender
  • Analysis 3: Customer Purchases by Quantity, Age, Gender, and Product Category
  • Analysis 4: Price per Unit Comparison by Product Category

Data Cleaning

​ The dataset has 1000 rows and 9 columns

Since this particular dataset has No Missing values, I will confirm if there are unexpected values by checking for unique values in each column and identifying potential outliers

Yes, the analyses will eventually be performed using SQL commands. To me, Data Cleaning is easier in Python. Please reach out if you have any cheat sheet or effective ways to clean data using SQL

  • There are 1000 distinct Transaction IDs and 1000 distinct Customers (Customer ID)s
  • Since there are only 345 unique dates, some customers likely made purchases on the same dates
  • The Product categories are only Beauty, Clothing and Electronics

Connect to a Database and convert the Cleaned Dataframe to a Table

This SQL Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) utilizes Python's sqlite3 library to connect to a SQLite database file. This is how I use it. At the very end of the notebook, I will close the connection to the database.

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('retail_data.db')  # replace ('retail_data.db') with ('your_database_name.db')

# Create 'retail' table
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='retail'")
table_exists = len(cursor.fetchall()) > 0

if not table_exists:
  # Load data to 'retail' table only if it doesn't exist
  df.to_sql('retail', conn, index=False)
  print("Table 'retail' created and data loaded successfully.")
  print("Table 'retail' already exists. Skipping data loading.")

Analysis 1: Customer Age, Gender, and Purchasing Behaviour

Total spending for each combination of Age and Gender

Age Female Male
18 7940 3275
19 7335 7535
20 5175 3470
21 5400 7185
22 5425 8275
23 2895 5325
24 1750 3665
25 3550 6350
26 10375 3605
27 4280 5105
28 5400 3270
29 4000 2570
30 6285 3505
31 2020 8200
32 1850 3700
33 2040 4200
34 12050 4735
35 6815 4475
36 3080 6025
37 5730 5920
38 6020 5080
39 3355 1240
40 7630 1785
41 1195 4455
42 5290 3210
43 10260 7710
44 3590 3970
45 585 5740
46 5380 7710
47 6315 6190
48 5410 1830
49 2650 2460
50 4300 5545
51 7270 8795
52 4270 2770
53 4890 4620
54 5755 4750
55 7070 2710
56 6025 3415
57 3630 5660
58 3680 3715
59 3785 5685
60 7660 3930
61 2840 3890
62 3060 5060
63 1205 8045
64 6325 2800

Insights from Analysis 1

​ Analysis 1 shows how Total spending varies with Age and Gender

​ For example: For 20 year olds, Females collectively spent more than Males. The opposite is shown for 63 year olds, and so on.

​ From the Barplot below, you see that 39 year olds collectively spent the least while 43 year olds spent the most

Barplot of Total Spending by Age and Gender

Alt text

Analysis 2: Top Product Categories for each Age and Gender

The table shows from Age 18 - Age 25, and Age 35 - Age 45. See the FULL output Here

Product_Category Beauty Clothing Electronics
Age Gender
18 Female 3195.0 2575.0 2170.0
18 Male 1765.0 1510.0 NaN
19 Female 2225.0 1200.0 3910.0
19 Male 2140.0 1530.0 3865.0
20 Female 365.0 80.0 4730.0
20 Male 2160.0 360.0 950.0
21 Female 3300.0 1200.0 900.0
21 Male 4700.0 1885.0 600.0
22 Female 1300.0 3275.0 850.0
22 Male 4230.0 2075.0 1970.0
23 Female 475.0 1270.0 1150.0
23 Male 165.0 3050.0 2110.0
24 Female 1575.0 25.0 150.0
24 Male 1310.0 2125.0 230.0
25 Female 1000.0 2200.0 350.0
25 Male 1375.0 2150.0 2825.0
35 Female 3000.0 1545.0 2270.0
35 Male 2075.0 1140.0 1260.0
36 Female 1300.0 1310.0 470.0
36 Male 2025.0 1900.0 2100.0
37 Female NaN 3270.0 2460.0
37 Male 1620.0 2200.0 2100.0
38 Female 2100.0 300.0 3620.0
38 Male 1200.0 790.0 3090.0
39 Female 3100.0 75.0 180.0
39 Male 920.0 160.0 160.0
40 Female 3700.0 2295.0 1635.0
40 Male 50.0 1135.0 600.0
41 Female NaN 1045.0 150.0
41 Male 1550.0 1340.0 1565.0
42 Female 2380.0 730.0 2180.0
42 Male 1780.0 275.0 1155.0
43 Female 2425.0 4175.0 3660.0
43 Male 120.0 2240.0 5350.0
44 Female 75.0 2890.0 625.0
44 Male 30.0 2110.0 1830.0
45 Female 190.0 310.0 85.0
45 Male 3840.0 1000.0 900.0

Insights from Analysis 2

Analysis 2 helps to identify Trends in Customer Spending behaviour based on Age, Gender, and Product Category

The insights:

  • Age Preferences: Spending habits change with Age for certain Product Categories
  • Gender Differences: There are significant differences in spending patterns between Genders for specific Product Categories

For a larger Real-life dataset, using such analysis can help to refine the Target Audience for Marketing Campaigns. Specific Age groups and Genders have a higher propensity to spend on certain Product Categories

Analysis 3: Customer Purchases by Quantity

Customer Purchases by Quantity is grouped by Age, Gender, and Product Category

Product_Category Beauty Clothing Electronics
Age Gender
18 Female 3.0 3.0 1.0
18 Male 2.0 2.0 NaN
19 Female 1.0 4.0 2.0
19 Male 3.0 3.0 2.0
20 Female 1.0 1.0 4.0
20 Male 2.0 2.0 3.0
21 Female 2.0 4.0 3.0
21 Male 4.0 3.0 2.0
22 Female 4.0 1.0 2.0
22 Male 4.0 3.0 3.0
23 Female 1.0 1.0 2.0
23 Male 2.0 2.0 1.0
24 Female 3.0 1.0 4.0
24 Male 2.0 1.0 1.0
60 Female 3.0 3.0 2.0
60 Male 1.0 2.0 4.0
61 Female NaN 1.0 2.0
61 Male 4.0 1.0 2.0
62 Female 4.0 2.0 2.0
62 Male 4.0 1.0 4.0
63 Female 1.0 3.0 2.0
63 Male 1.0 4.0 2.0
64 Female 1.0 2.0 4.0
64 Male 2.0 4.0 4.0

Insights from Analysis 3

Analysis 3 can help answer these questions:

  • Purchase Patterns by Age and Gender: For example, are there any Age groups or Genders that consistently purchase more of a particular Product category?
  • Popular Product Categories: You can identify which Product Categories are generally purchased the most across different Age and Gender groups.
  • Variations in Purchases: You can see if there are any significant variations in purchase quantities for the same Product Category across different Age and Gender groups. For instance, does the purchase of Electronics increase or decrease with Age for a particular Gender?

Actionable insights:

Imagine the analysis reveals that young females (18-24) consistently purchase more beauty products than other demographics (this is an example). This can inform several decisions:

  • Inventory: The store can stock a wider variety of beauty products and maintain higher inventory levels for this category.
  • Promotions: They can run targeted promotions or offer loyalty rewards for beauty product purchases.
  • Store Layout: Beauty products could be placed in a prominent location on the first floor, readily accessible to young female customers.

By leveraging the insights from purchase quantity analysis, retail companies can make data-driven decisions that Optimize Inventory management, Product Development, Marketing strategies, and ultimately, increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Analysis 4: Price per Unit Comparison by Product Category

Product_Category Average_Price Min_Price Max_Price
Beauty 184.06 25 500
Clothing 174.29 25 500
Electronics 181.90 25 500

Insights from Analysis 4

Analysis 4 helps understand the Average Price, and Price Range for each Product Category

This helps inform decisions based on:

  • Pricing Strategies: When setting prices for new products, retailers can consider the average price point of the category to ensure their products are competitively priced. In this case, Beauty products have the highest Average price.
  • Product Assortment: The significant difference between the minimum and maximum prices for each category (e.g., Electronics: 25 - 500) implies that the retailer offers a variety of products within each category at different price points. This allows customers to choose based on their needs and budget.

Finally, when the analyses are done, Close the connection to the Database using:

conn.commit()`  # Save changes (if any)

I use the same dataset from these analyses, to perform Retail Sales EDA in Python

Feel free to Contact me for any changes and feedback

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