Traditional web application (server-side) to perform analysis of thousands of financial transactions and identify possible suspicious transactions.
The project was developed in sprints lasting 1 week each, which had certain activities to be implemented. For better management of activities, trello was used.
The programming language, frameworks and technologies were of free choice. I chose to develop the project with the following technologies:
The application was deployed on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), which can be accessed through this link
To run locally you need to have Docker installed.
Open the terminal and clone the project using the command "git clone"
Enter the "financial-transaction-analyzer" folder and use the command "docker-compose up".
If everything is working, the links to access are:
- Web application http://localhost/
- Grafana http://localhost:3000/
- Eureka http://localhost:8761
- Spring Boot Admin http://localhost:8761/admin