Fuzzy CNOI Statement is a template for CNOI(Olympiad in Informatics in China)-style statements for competitive programming.
Fuzzy CNOI Statement 是一个 CNOI 题面排版风格的 Typst 模板。
It is mainly designed to mimic the appearance of official CNOI-style statements, which are usually generated by TUACK.
其主要模仿国内 NOI 系列比赛官方题面的外观。这些题面一般由 TUACK 生成。
This template is not affiliated with the China Computer Federation (CCF) or the NOI Committee. When using this template, it is recommended to indicate the unofficial nature of the contest to avoid misunderstandings.
该模板与中国计算机学会(CCF)、NOI 委员会官方无关。在使用该模板时,建议标明比赛的非官方性质,以免造成误解。
Here are the fonts that this template will use, you can change the font by passing parameters:
- Consolas
- New Computer Modern
- 方正书宋(FZShuSong-Z01S)
- 方正黑体(FZHei-B01S)
- 方正仿宋(FZFangSong-Z02S)
- 方正楷体(FZKai-Z03S)
// Define your contest information and problem list
// 定义比赛信息和题目列表
#let (init, title, problem-table, next-problem, filename, current-filename, current-sample-filename, data-constraints-table-args) = document-class(
#show: init
+ ...
== 题目描述
Refer to main.typ
for a complete example.