Instagrub is a recipe sharing application for home chefs and food lovers. Simply sign up and get cooking! The app has been built using the following technologies:
- Express
- Node
- Sequelize & MySQL
- Multer
- Handlebars
- Bcrypt
You can visit the deployed application here -
To install this project, simple follow the below steps:
Firstly, start off by cloning the repo locally.
Next, run the below command to install all dependencies.
npm i
- Navigate to the db folder, access the MySQL CLI and run the below command to create the database
source schema.sql
- Then, back in the normal terminal, run the below command to start the app and create the tables
npm run start
- Finally, run the below command to seed the database
npm run seed This project is under the license of MIT
- Vienna Borowska -
- Matthew Williams -
- Alistair Houghton -
- Sampreeti Das -
If you have any questions about this project, you can contact any of us via github.