create a new directory using: mkdir dir_name
cd dir_name
git clone
install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
create loacl virtual environment: virtualenv env
activate local environment
cd iExam
install all packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
After installing the necessary packages, you can run iExam via: python3
Details for different platforms shown below
- % student roster (first name + surname), file format is txt
- % 5-min training video (manually clip a video segment before exam)
- % online exam testing video
install virtualenv: pip install virtualenv
create loacl virtual environment: virtualenv env
go to the path /env/bin, activate env using: source activate
% pip install PyQt5
% pip install opencv-python
% pip install pytesseract
% pip install torch
% pip install torchvision
% pip install matplotlib
Install the tesseract binary via brew and make sure the command of "tesseract --help" can run. See, and
Maybe need to explicitly install the tesseract language package: % brew install tesseract-lang (installing tesseract-eng failed).
install virtualenv using pip: pip install virtualenv
create local virtual environment: $ virtualenv -p python3 iExamEnv
$ source iExamEnv/bin/activate
$ cd iExam
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- install relative python packages using pip:
- % pip install PyQt5
- % pip install opencv-python
- % pip install pytesseract
- % pip install torch
- % pip install torchvision
- % pip install matplotlib
- Then you need to install tesseract from: ,
install virtualenv: sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
create loacl virtual environment: virtualenv env
go to the path /env/bin, activate env using: source activate
- install relative python packages using pip:
- % pip install PyQt5
- % pip install opencv-python (if get error use "pip uninstall opencv-python" "pip install opencv-contrib-python-headless" "sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinerama0")
- % pip install pytesseract
- % pip install torch (or pip install torch --no-cache-dir)
- % pip install torchvision (or pip install torchvision --no-cache-dir)
- % pip install matplotlib
$ git clone
// make you local change
$ git add .
$ git status //check the files you want to commit
$ git commit -a
$ git push origin main