Camp world is web application built for people who love camping! The application allows campers across the world to add campgrounds that they have been to and share pictures. Also, campers can write reviews on campgrounds, share their experience and rate it. The application is hosted on Heroku cloud platform.
- The application allows users to register themselves and create an account. Every users credentials is hashed before saving it.
- Users can add campground and upload related pictures. Images are stored on Cloudinary
- Every campground location is geocoded and displayed on a map using Mapbox
- Users can rate a campground and write reviews
- Users can always update campground details
Category | Framework & Technologies |
Programming Languages | JavaScript, Node.js, HTML, CSS |
Backend Framework | Express.js |
Frontend Framework | Bootstrap 5 |
Database | MongoDB |
Geocoding | Mapbox |
Libraries | Mongoose, Passport, Helmet, Connect Flash, JOI, Multer, Router |
Cloud Platforms | Heroku, MongoDB Atlas, Cloudinary |