1. Clone this project into a directory
git clone https://github.com/catchupcms/CatchUpCMS.git catchupcms
2. Run a composer install from the root of the project:
composer.phar install
3. Assuming you have NPM installed, run the installer from the root of the project:
npm install
4. 4.a Run the bower installer from the root of the project:
npm install -g bower # run this if you dont have bower installed
4.b For each theme:
bower install
Providing none of the above threw any errors, that should be all the dependancies installed.
5. (optional) Next thing to do is configure the environment,
- find your apache vhost that you wish to use,
- ensure the directory root is path/to/project/public
copy .env.example .env
set parameters in your path/to/project/.env file.
6. Last thing to do then is run the installer from the root of the project, and follow the prompts
php artisan cms:install
Note: If XDebug is enabled you must increase the max_nesting_level in your php.ini like so:
xdebug.max_nesting_level = 200
Thanks to the people that have contributed and helped test/find bugs in the project: