From uProxy/uProxy:
- Fixed accepting invites for GMail + Facebook
- Changes from our Grace Hopper contributors! (logout confirmation, remove " has granted you access",
- Quiver support (disabled for dist build, but may result in some small CSS and icon changes)
- Changes for default avatar
from uProxy-lib 34.0.0:
- We've worked with the Firefox team to resolve several issues with WebRTC support in add-ons in the upcoming release. This means uProxy will continue to function in Firefox 42, scheduled to become the stable release during the first week of November. This is a huge vindication of our Docker-based testing infrastructure which alerted us to the problem well in advance.
- Throughput measurements (see detailed release notes, below) now factor in 150ms of simulated latency. This more closely models expected real-world proxying conditions and will help guard against future latency-related regressions.
- Code is now compiled with TypeScript 1.6. In addition to making the latest language features available to us, this exposed a number of previously hidden bugs.