All homeworks of the Reinforcement learning class from ENS Paris-Saclay [2017]
- TP1/homework1.pdf
- TP2/homework2.pdf
- TP3/homework3_v2.pdf
- clone the repository on your computer
- open an Anaconda command prompt
- browse to the working directory:
cd path/to/your/directory/TP1/TP1_python36
- launch the jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook BUSA_Victor_TP1.ipynb
- run each cells using shift + enter
The code for all assignments is usually available under the folder 'TPX_python' where X = 1, 2 or 3. All the implementations are done in python. To execute the code you should have jupyter installed in your computer as well as the necessary packages.
The final reports are named BUSA_Victor_TPX.pdf where X = 1, 2 or 3 The latex version of the report is also available under the name: BUSA_Victor_TPX.tex with X = 1, 2 or 3