- You can write solutions in C/C++/Java/Python/JS/etc... for Data Structure and Algorithms.
- Follow file naming convention for all your pull requests.
- While adding any content it should be inside its appropiate directory.
- If there is any problem with inaccurate solution create an issue!
How you can contribute to this repo?
- Repo contain folders of mostly used languages if not You may create.
- You have to add a folder of your name in languge folder you are going to code.
- You have to add solution files in your folder with proper defined question in Comments in starting of file and in readme.md of that folder.
- You can update existing solution with a better one ( better complexity).
- Participants can even add new Language and solutions of their interest.
- Solve issues raised by other people or yourself.
Steps For Contribution
- Fork this repo
- Star this repo
- Add a file ( txt/cpp ) inside appropriate folder
- Commit the code
- Make pull request
FEATURES - Beginner-friendly - Targeted for Coders. - Would also help participants who are not familiar with development but are eager to participate in open source.