This Tool is made for an easy Minecraft Server Setup! You can easily install a Minecraft Server with over 10 different packages and nearly all Versions out there!
Run this command in your command prompt!
pip install mc-server-tool
To update:
pip install -U mc-server-tool
mc-server-tool --help
usage: mc-server-tool [-h] [--install] [--start] [--settings] [--install_java_21] [--version VERSION]
[--package {Forge,Fabric,Paper,Vanilla,Spigot,Pufferfish,Bukkit,Purpur,Neoforge,Quilt,Folia,Mohist,Arclight,Sponge}] [--path PATH] [--port PORT]
[--ram RAM]
Minecraft Server Tool Arguments
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--install To install a new Server!
--start To start a Server in your path!
--settings To open the settings of the Server in your path!
--install_java_21 To install java version 21 to run the server!
--version VERSION Choose a minecraft version e.x 1.20.1, 1.21...
--package {Forge,Fabric,Paper,Vanilla,Spigot,Pufferfish,Bukkit,Purpur,Neoforge,
Choose a Modloader-Package e.x Forge, Vanilla...
--path PATH Pick a folder were to save/edit the server!
It is creating a new folder in it!
e.x C:Users/User/Server (Default is User Directory!)
--port PORT Choose a Port for the Server! Default is 25565
--ram RAM Choose how many RAM the server may use! Default is 4 Gigabyte!
Installs a server with version 1.20.4:
mc-server-tool --install --version 1.20.4
Installs a server with version 1.20.4 on Paper:
mc-server-tool --install --version 1.20.4 --package Paper
Installs and starts the server with 5G max ram usage:
mc-server-tool --install --version 1.20.4 --ram 5
Installs with the port 27767:
mc-server-tool --install --version 1.20.4 --port 27767
Starts your server again:
mc-server-tool --start
Starts your Forge server if you have multiple servers in one folder:
mc-server-tool --start --package Forge
You can also specify the path on start and installation:
mc-server-tool --start --path /home/user/downloads
You also let install java 21:
mc-server-tool --install_java_21
Supported Packages | Status | Supported Packages | Status | Supported Packages | Status |
Vanilla | ✔️ | Forge | ➖ (installing is fine but starting and configuring may not work) |
Folia | ✔️ |
Paper | ✔️ | Neoforge | ✔️ | Mohist | ✔️ |
Spigot | ✔️ | Fabric | ✔️ | Arclight | ✔️ |
Bukkit | ✔️ | Pufferfish | ✔️ | Sponge | ✔️ |
Quilt | ✔️ | Purpur | ✔️ | BungeeCord | ✔️ |
Waterfall | ✔️ |
Note: Not all versions are tested and there may occur problems with some versions!
- Make Forge work
- Make Neoforge work
- Make starting easier with package and version
- Implement more different error messages
- Add support for more packages
- Add support for MCPE Server
If you see any issues you can open one in github or contact me on discord
with the UsernameTmaster055