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CHIP-8 Emulator written in JavaScript

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CHIP-8 Interpreter in Javascript

A virtual machine with an interpreted programming language originally used on the COSMAC VIP and Telmac 1800 8-bit microcomputers in the 1970s. I noticed there are small details for the instruction set that change depending on where you look (like draw sprite wrapping vs clipping) but for the most part I will be following this reference from 1997: Cowgod's CHIP-8 Technical Reference


CHIP-8 has virtual registers, memory, IO (a keypad, speaker, and a small "screen") controlled by a simple instruction set. Data width for registers and memory are one byte wide, and instructions are two bytes wide.

The following components make up the CHIP-8 system:

  • A Program Counter (PC) that points to the current instruction in memory.
  • A special register, the index register (I), used to point at locations in memory.
  • A stack for addresses, used for calling and returning from subroutines.
  • 4kb of RAM (some of which is reserved for font glyphs)
  • A sound timer that emits noise when its value is > 0. Decrements at 60hz.
  • A delay timer that decrements at 60hz.
  • 16 general-purpose registers labeled V0 through VF in hexadecimal.
    • VF is also used as the flag register by some instructions to notify of overflow / underflow events during arithmetic operations.
  • A 64x32 monochrome screen

Important Considerations

The screen render loop will need to be decoupled from the interpreter loop because they are vastly different speeds. The emulator will be running at a variable amount of instructions per second depending on how I have it configured, but I will default it to 700hz, and the screen will be around 60fps or whatever requestAnimationFrame gives.

Using setInterval won't suffice for this as it doesn't have the timing resolution necessary, so I will be breaking execution into "chunks". Using 700 instructions per second as an example, I could run an interval over 100ms and each interval would handle the execution of 70 instructions.

Some implementations of the draw instruction (DXYN) wrap sprites across screen borders while others just clip it. I will probably make this configurable to support more ROMs. There are other instructions that have ambiguous implementations as well so as I come across them I will most likely set some way to configure it. As I test the emulator with more ROMs I can make more parts configurable, maybe even add SUPER-CHIP support at a later time (bigger screen, additional instructions).

The UI will need some thought as well. With audio controls, emulation speed, loading custom ROMs, modifying screen scale, etc. Also implementing some kind of window into the system to watch the memory, registers, and such in action would be a bonus.


Originally this was a 16 key hexidecimal keypad with the following layout:

1 2 3 C
4 5 6 D
7 8 9 E
A 0 B F

I will be remapping it for modern keyboards:

1 2 3 4

Interpreter loop

  • Fetch -> read instruction from memory at address provided by PC
    • need to combine 2 bytes to make instruction
    • increment PC by 2
  • Decode -> determine what should happen based on instruction (big switch block)
  • Execute -> The case from the switch statement will execute the instruction behavior

Instruction Set

Instruction Description
00E0 Clear
00EE Return
1NNN Jump to NNN
2NNN Call subroutine at NNN
3XNN if VX == NN then PC += 2
4XNN if VX != NN then PC += 2
5XY0 if VX == VY then PC += 2
8XY0 VX = VY
8XY1 VX |= VY
8XY2 VX &= VY
8XY3 VX ^= VY
8XY4 VX += VY
VF = 1 on carry, 0 otherwise.
8XY5 VX -= VY
VF = 0 on borrow, 0 otherwise.
8XY6 VX >>= VX
8XY7 VX = VY - VX
8XYE VX <<= VX
9XY0 if VX != VY then PC += 2
BNNN jump to NNN + V0
CXNN VX = random number &= NN
DXYN sprite x coord VX y coord VY for N rows, VF = 1 on collision
EX9E if key code in VX pressed then PC += 2
EXA1 if key code in VX not pressed then PC += 2
FX07 VX = delay timer value
FX0A get key (blocking), store to VX
FX15 delay timer = VX
FX18 sound timer = VX
FX1E I += VX
FX29 I = memory address of font char stored in register VX
FX33 bcd VX
FX55 save V0..VX to memory starting at address I
FX65 load from memory starting at address I to V0..VX


Many thanks to the chip8 ROMs provided by Timendus's Chip-8 Test Suite repo

Laurence Scotford's deep dive on the original behavior of the Chip-8 Interpreter


CHIP-8 Emulator written in JavaScript



