Challenge 1: Student Grade Generator This is a program that prompts the user to key in the student marks. The value input should be between 0-100 and the correct grade is output respectivelyas below: A > 79, B > 60 to 79, C > 59 to 49, D > 40 to 49, E > less 40.
//Everything I want my fuction to do I wrap it in the curly braces if a student // On keying in the marks that the student scored the function diplays the grade scored by the student for example:
if (student score is <49){ return "E" } //console.log(30) => E
Challenge 2: Speed Detector This is a program that inputs the speed of a car for example 90km/hr. If thr speed is 70 the function prints 'ok'. Otherwise for every 5km/h above the limit (70) it should earn the driver 1 demerit points and print the total number of demerit points.
Challenge 3: Net Salary Calculator It is a code that calculate the PAYEE TAX,NHIF,NSSF Deductions and net salary.
- [Lang](lang Url)-English
- [Framework](Framework URL)-none
- Text editor eg Visual Studio Code
- [Testing Platform](Platform URL)
- Fork the repo
- Create a new branch in your terminal (git checkout -b improve-feature)
- Install the prerequisites
- Make appropriate changes in file(s)
- Run the server to see the changes
- Add the changes and commit them (git commit -am "Improve App")
- Push to the branch (git push origin improve-app)
- Create a Pull request
- Open the folder location on terminal and use the following command to run app:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt To install all requirements
$ Javascript manage.js runserver Then run server with the above command
Or you can access the web application directly via this LINK.
- Package Name-none
1.HTML 2.CSS 3.JavaScript
- Email :
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