Collection of generative models in NNabla.
NNabla & Jupyter Notebook implementation of ...
- Original GAN [notebook] [paper] (2014.06)
- Conditional GAN [notebook] [paper] (2014.11)
- Adversarially Learned Inference [notebook] [paper] (2016.06)
- f-GAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.06)
- InfoGAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.06)
- Coupled GAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.06)
- Energy Based GAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.09)
- Auxiliary Classifier GAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.10)
- Least Squares GAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.11)
- Mode Regularized GAN [notebook] [paper] (2016.12)
- Generative Adversarial Parallelization [notebook] [paper] (2016.12)
- Wasserstein GAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.01)
- Boundary Seeking GAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.02)
- DiscoGAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.03)
- Boundary Equilibrium GAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.03)
- DualGAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.04)
- Margin Adaptation for GAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.04)
- Softmax GAN [notebook] [paper] (2017.04)
- Original VAE [notebook] [paper] (2013.12)
- Conditional VAE [notebook] [paper] (2014.06)
- Adversarial Autoencoder [notebook] [paper] (2015.11)
- Denoising VAE [notebook] [paper] (2015.11)
- Adversarial Variational Bayes [notebook] [paper] (2017.01)
- jupyter == '1.0.0'
- nnabla == '0.9.1rc3'
- scipy == '0.19.1'
- numpy == '1.13.0'
- tensorflow == '1.2.0' (for MNIST data only)
- parameter search
- weight clipping
- Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs (2017.04)
This repository is inspired by wiseodd's awesome implementation in Pytorch & Tensorflow