command inserts indent or removes indents from text on the clipboard.
- indenter
(First time only) Install indenter
Copy the text you want to edit to the clipboard
Section 1: Section 2: Section 2-1:
Run indenter
The deleted indent text is copied to the clipboard
Section 1: Section 2: Section 2-1:
If there is no line of indent that is shallower than the first line of text, indenter removes the indent.
(First time only) Install indenter
Copy the text you want to edit to the clipboard. Insert indent at the first line of text. The length is the length to insert the second and other lines.
Section 1: Section 2: Section 2-1:
Run indenter
The indented text is copied to the clipboard
Section 1: Section 2: Section 2-1:
If there was lines of indent that is shallower than the first line of text, indenter inserts the indent.
Specify the value before changing the tab size and the value after changing it. When changing from 2 to 4:
indenter 24
When changing from 4 to 2:
indenter 42
If there was lines of indent that is shallower than the first line of text, indenter inserts the indent. However, if you specify the number of indents in the second argument, the indents on the first line will be ignored.
When changing the tab size from 4 to 2 and put 16 spaces in the entire: indenter 42 16
If there is no line of indent that is shallower than the first line of text, indenter removes the indent.
When changing from a tab to a space, specify t and the number of spaces (1 to 9). For 4 spaces:
indenter t4
When changing from spaces to tabs, specify the number of spaces (1-9) and t. For 4 spaces:
indenter 4t
If there was lines of indent that is shallower than the first line of text, indenter inserts the indent.
If there is no line of indent that is shallower than the first line of text, indenter removes the indent.
To use indenter, you must install Node.js.
Install Node.js:
- >> Windows Installer (.msi) >> 64-bit
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. node-v14.16.0-x64.exe)
- Installation options are defaults
If there is your Windows in the LAN with the proxy in the company and so on:
Windows Start >> (Input) PowerShell :
- npm config -g set proxy "http://___.___.___.___:____"
- npm config -g set https-proxy "http://___.___.___.___:____"
Download and expand indenter and install Node.js packages used by indenter:
Windows Start >> (Input) PowerShell :
cd ${env:USERPROFILE}\Downloads
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile
rm -r -fo "indenter-master" #// When you are updating
Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath "."
cd "indenter-master"
npm install --only=production
If you use cmd.exe:
Create a batch file that launches indenter into the folder where PATH:
Windows Start >> (Input) cmd >> Command Prompt :
cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads\indenter-master
set script=%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\indenter.bat
echo @echo off> %script%
echo set NODE_PATH=%cd%\node_modules>> %script%
echo node %cd%\build\indenter.js %*>> %script%
If you use PowerShell:
Create a PS1 script file that launches indenter into the folder where PATH:
Windows Start >> (Input) PowerShell :
cd ${env:USERPROFILE}\Downloads\indenter-master
${current_folder} = Convert-Path "."
${script} = "${env:USERPROFILE}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\indenter.ps1"
echo "`${env:NODE_PATH} = `"${current_folder}\node_modules`"" > ${script}
echo "node ${current_folder}\build\indenter.js `$PsBoundParameters.Values `$args" >> ${script}
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser #// Make the script run
If you use Git bash:
Install Git for Windows:
- >> Downloads >> Windows
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. Git-2.31.1-64-bit.exe)
- Press Next button 8 times
- Configuring the line ending conversions: Checkout as-is, commit as-is
- Other installation options are defaults
Create a bash script file that launches indenter into the folder where PATH passed:
Right click at any folder >> Git bash :
cd ${HOME}/Downloads/indenter-master
mkdir -p "${HOME}/bin"
echo "export NODE_PATH=\"${HOME}/AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules\"" > ${script}
echo "node ${current_folder}/build/indenter.js \"\$@\"" >> ${script}
Check to use indenter command:
Open new PowerShell or new Git bash:
indenter --version
Install Node.js:
- >> macOS Installer (.pkg) >> 64-bit
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. node-v14.16.0.pkg)
- Installation options are defaults
Download and expand indenter and install Node.js packages used by indenter:
#// Launchpad >> Terminal
cd ~/Downloads
setopt interactivecomments
#// enables comment symbol (#)
curl -o -kL
rm -rf indenter-old && mv indenter indenter-old #// When you are updating
unzip -o
mv indenter-master indenter #// The folder extracted from the Zip file
cd indenter
npm install --only=production
Make the script file in the PATH folder to start indenter:
cd indenter #// The folder extracted from the Zip file
rm -f "${script}" #// When you are updating
echo "export NODE_PATH=$(pwd)/node_modules" >> "${script}"
echo "node $(pwd)/build/indenter.js \"\$@\"" >> "${script}"
chmod +x "${script}"
unset script
Check to use indenter command:
indenter --version
Install Node.js:
- >> Windows Installer (.msi) >> 64-bit
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. node-v14.16.0-x64.exe)
- Installation options are defaults
Install Git for Windows:
- >> Downloads >> Windows
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. Git-2.31.1-64-bit.exe)
- Press Next button 8 times
- Configuring the line ending conversions: Checkout as-is, commit as-is
- Other installation options are defaults
Install Visual Studio Code:
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. VSCodeUserSetup-x64-1.54.3.exe)
- Installation options are defaults
- VSCode >> Terminal >> New Terminal
- If you see powershell in the top right corner of the open shell, click there and
[ Select Default Shell >> Git bash ]
- (recommend) Pin Visual Studio Code to the taskbar
- (recommend) Set to save all files when Ctrl+S is pressed: |
File >> Preferences >> Keyboard Shortcuts >> (input) save all >>
(double click) File: Save All >> Ctrl + S key >> Enter key
- Close Visual Studio Code
Double click cmd menu.bat
and select 1. open_VisualStudioCode
To run the first test, press F5 key:
Install Node.js:
- >> macOS Installer (.pkg)
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. node-v14.16.0.pkg)
- Installation options are defaults
Install Visual Studio Code:
- Open the downloaded file (e.g. Visual Studio
- (recommend) Pin Visual Studio Code to the taskbar
- (recommend) Set to save all files when Ctrl+S is pressed: |
File >> Preferences >> Keyboard Shortcuts >> (input) save all >>
(double click) File: Save All >> Ctrl + S key >> Enter key
- Close Visual Studio Code
Add cmd menu.command
file executable permission:
- Double click `bin/` file
- Right click at the expanded `chmod+x.command` file >> Open >> Open
- Drag and drop `cmd menu.command` file to the opened window, push Enter key and close the window
- Right click at `cmd menu.command` file >> Open >> Open
- Close the opened window
Double click cmd menu.command
file and select 1. open_VisualStudioCode
To run the first test, press fn + F5 key:
There are the test using Jest and the test without Jest. You can set the break point, click at the left of line number of the source file.
- Visual Studio Code >> Terminal >> New Terminal >> (1:shell at the left of +) >> Create JavaScript Debug Terminal
- npm test
- Restart the test:
- Continue button: #// Run to the end of program
- Press
key in the terminal runningnpm test
- (When you finish,) Terminal tab (bottom) >> Recycle box icon (right)
- Visual Studio Code >> F5 key