Release 339
Bug Fixes
- [#11541] Feedback response submission: Requests sent to backend despite invalid response (@zhaojj2209)
- [#11538] Instructor audit logs: ensure end date is not before start date (@sshamouilian)
- [#11518] Submission status stays as pending for team submissions (@shadowezz)
- [#11521] Distribute points among options question: negative points allowed on frontend (@zhaojj2209)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#11488] Allow access to submission/results page for unregistered instructors (@wkurniawan07)
- [#11396] Instructor sample data: defer until instructor joins (@samuelfangjw)
- [#11519] Make rank and constsum style consistent (@fsgmhoward)
Other Tasks
- [#11558] Fix unstable E2E tests (@wkurniawan07)