Site of recipes where users will be able to browse recipes by categories, create a new recipes, update existing recipes and delete.
- Client side
- React
- Vanilla JS
- Vanilla CSS
- C#
- ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Entity Framework for Database
- Database
- SQL Express
- Install Git
- Clone repository
- Install Client side
- Go to /ClientApp folder
- Install node packages
npm install
- Install API (.NET Core)
- Install ASP.NET Core 3.1
- Install nuget-package-manager in Visual Studio Code
- Press Ctrl+Shift+P or Command+Shift+P, and type >nuget, select NuGet Package Manager: Add Package
- Install Database
- Download Database from
- Download MySQL Workbench
- Open MySQL Workbench, click on Schemas
- Copy and paste first script /1_migration_create_DB_and_tables_with_data in Visual Studio Code folder /SQLMigrations
- Select All and execute
- Copy and paste second script /2_migration_create_user in Visual Studio Code folder /SQLMigrations, select all and execute
- Refresh Schemas
- Click right button on the Recipes table and click on Select Rows - Limit 1000, now you can see recipes(you can do the same with other tables)
- Launch Database server (port 3306)
- Build and run .NET Core API
dotnet run
- Run Client side from /client folder
npm start
- Create recipe
- Update existing
- Delete
- Display Gallery
- Create README file
- Create a simple Mockup via
- Install everything for Project
- Create base project
- Client side
- Database
- Create Entity Models and tables.
- Get API endpoints (get all, by Id)
- Create endpoints
- Update endpoint
- Delete endpoint
- Create application shell (header, footer, background)
- Create React recipe component
- Create React new recipe/update recipe pages (with components)
- Integrate Client side with ARI
- UAT (user accepted testing)