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OpenID Federation Monorepo


OpenID Federation is a framework designed to facilitate the secure and interoperable interaction of entities within a federation. This involves the use of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to represent and convey necessary information for entities to participate in federations, ensuring trust and security across different organizations and systems.

Key Concepts

  • Federation: A group of organizations that agree to interoperate under a set of common rules defined in a federation policy.
  • Entity Statements: JSON objects that contain metadata about entities (IdPs, RPs) and their federation relationships.
  • Trust Chains: Mechanisms by which parties in a federation verify each other’s trustworthiness through a chain of entity statements, leading back to a trusted authority.
  • Federation API: Interfaces defined for entities to exchange information and perform operations necessary for federation management.

Core Components

  • Federation Operator: The central authority in a federation that manages policy and trust chain verification.
  • Identity Providers (IdPs): Entities that authenticate users and provide identity assertions to relying parties.
  • Relying Parties (RPs): Entities that rely on identity assertions provided by IdPs to offer services to users.

Technical Features

  • JSON Web Tokens (JWT): Used for creating verifiable entity statements and security assertions.
  • JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE): Standards for signing and encrypting JSON-based objects to ensure their integrity and confidentiality.

Servers Deployment Instructions

Docker Setup

For seamless deployment of the OpenID Federation servers, Docker and Docker Compose offer the most efficient and straightforward approach.

Essential Commands

Build Docker Images

  • docker compose build - Compile the Docker images for the services.
  • docker compose build --no-cache - Compile the Docker images without utilizing the build cache, ensuring a clean build.

Manage Services:

  • docker compose up - Initiate all the services.
  • docker compose up -d - Launch all the services in detached mode, allowing them to run in the background.
  • docker compose down - Terminate the services.
  • docker compose down -v - Terminate the services and remove associated volumes.
  • docker compose up db -d - Start only the database container in detached mode for isolated database operations.
  • docker compose up federation-server -d - Start only the Federation Server in detached mode.

API Endpoints via Docker

OpenID Federation Configuration Guide

This guide will help new users configure and deploy the OpenID Federation service, including setting up environment variables, the root entity, and necessary dependencies. Follow the steps outlined below.

Important Notices

Publishing Updates

Any changes affecting Entity Statements or Subordinate Statements must be explicitly published to take effect. This includes:

  • Metadata changes
  • Trust Mark modifications
  • Configuration updates
  • Key rotations

Local Key Management System

The Local Key Management Service is designed primarily for testing, development, and local experimentation purposes. It is not intended for use in production environments due to significant security and compliance risks.


The system comes with a preconfigured "root" account entity that responds to the root URL identifier's endpoints ( e.g., /.well-known/openid-federation) and not tenant account endpoints. This account is used for managing configurations specific to the root entity.

Step 1: Configure Environment Variables

Set the following environment variables in your deployment environment. These variables are critical for configuring the service and connecting to the required resources.

General Configuration

# A 32-byte random string that every deployer needs to create. It is used for application-level security.

# The OpenID identifier of the root entity. It must be a valid URL hosting the well-known endpoint.

# The database instance URL. Defaults to the Docker Compose PostgreSQL instance.

# The username for the database.

# The password for the database.

# The database name.

Key Management System (KMS)

# Defaults to the local KMS provider that runs on Docker. **Do not use in production.**

# The database instance URL for the local KMS.

# The username for the local KMS database.

# The password for the local KMS database.

# The database name for the local KMS.

Keycloak OAuth2 Provider

# Default username for the local Keycloak OAuth2 provider.

# Default password for the local Keycloak instance.

# The JWT issuer URI for the local Keycloak instance.


  1. Replace default values (e.g., admin, localhost, password) with secure values for production environments.
  2. Ensure the ROOT_IDENTIFIER is a publicly accessible URL if deploying in a live environment.
  3. Use a production-grade KMS provider in production environments instead of the local Docker-based KMS.

Step 2: Start the Service Stack

Once the environment variables are configured, you can start the OpenID Federation service stack using Docker Compose:

docker compose up

This command will initialize all necessary services, including the database, KMS provider, and Keycloak, as defined in the Docker Compose configuration file.

Step 3: Obtain an Access Token

The admin endpoints are protected and require a valid JWT access token. To acquire one, follow these steps:

Using Keycloak Token Endpoint

  1. Send a POST Request to the Keycloak Token Endpoint:

    POST http://localhost:8082/realms/openid-federation/protocol/openid-connect/token
  2. Provide the Required Credentials in the Request Body:

    Use x-www-form-urlencoded format with the following parameters:

  3. Example cURL Command:

    curl -X POST http://localhost:8082/realms/openid-federation/protocol/openid-connect/token \
      -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
      -d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
      -d "client_id=openid-client" \
      -d "client_secret=th1s1s4s3cr3tth4tMUSTb3ch4ng3d"
  4. Parse the Response:

    A successful request returns a JSON object. Extract the access_token field:

        "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...",
        "expires_in": 300,
        "token_type": "Bearer",
        "not-before-policy": 0,
        "scope": "openid"
  5. Use the Access Token in Subsequent API Requests:

    Add the access_token to the Authorization header:

    Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


  • Replace client_secret with a secure value in a production environment.
  • The token expires after a specified duration (expires_in field). Acquire a new token as needed.

Step 4: Create a New Tenant Account

To create a new tenant account, follow these steps. Any username can be used, and the same process in the following steps applies to all accounts, including the root account, which we will use as an example.

  1. Send a POST request to the following endpoint:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}
  2. Include a JSON body with the desired account details. For example:

        "username": "{username}",
        "identifier": "{username}"

Step 5: Delete an Account by Username

To delete an account by its username, follow these steps:

  1. Send a DELETE request to the following endpoint:

    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}

Step 6: Create and Manage Account Keys

Create a New Key Pair for the Account

  1. Send a POST request to create a new key pair:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/keys

List Keys for an Account

  1. Send a GET request to list the keys associated with the account:

    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/keys

Revoke a Key

To revoke a key for an account, follow these steps:

  1. Send a DELETE request to the following endpoint:

    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/keys/{keyId}
  2. Optionally, include a reason query parameter to specify the reason for revocation. For example:

    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/keys/{keyId}?reason=Key+compromised

Step 7: Define Metadata for an Entity

To assign metadata to your entity, follow these steps:

  1. Send a POST request to the following endpoint:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/metadata
  2. Include a JSON body with the metadata details. For example:

        "key": "basic_metadata",
        "metadata": {
            "client_uri": "",
            "contacts": [

List Metadata for an Entity

  1. Send a GET request to list all metadata for the entity:

    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/metadata

Delete Metadata by ID

  1. Send a DELETE request to delete a metadata entry by its ID:

    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/metadata/{id}

Step 8: Create and Manage Subordinates

Create a New Subordinate

  1. Send a POST request to the following endpoint:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates
  2. Include a JSON body with the subordinate details. For example:

        "identifier": ""

List Subordinates

  1. Send a GET request to list all subordinates for a given account:

    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates

Delete a Subordinate

  1. Send a DELETE request to delete a subordinate by its ID:

    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{id}

Step 9: Manage Subordinate Metadata

Add Metadata to a Subordinate

  1. Send a POST request to the following endpoint:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{subordinateId}/metadata
  2. Include a JSON body with the metadata details. For example:

        "key": "example_key",
        "metadata": {
            "description": "Example metadata description"

List Metadata for a Subordinate

  1. Send a GET request to list all metadata for a subordinate:
    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{subordinateId}/metadata

Delete Metadata by ID

  1. Send a DELETE request to delete a metadata entry by its ID:
    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{subordinateId}/metadata/{id}

Step 10: Manage Subordinate JWKS

Add a JWKS for a Subordinate

  1. Send a POST request to the following endpoint:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{id}/jwks
  2. Include a JSON body with the JWKS details. For example:

        "key": "example_key",
        "key_ops": ["sign", "verify"],
        "kty": "RSA"

List JWKS for a Subordinate

  1. Send a GET request to list all JWKS for a subordinate:

    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{id}/jwks

Delete a JWKS by ID

  1. Send a DELETE request to delete a JWKS entry by its ID:

    DELETE http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{id}/jwks/{jwkId}

Step 11: Get Subordinate Statement Object

  1. Send a GET request to retrieve the statement for a subordinate:

    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{id}/statement

Step 12: Publish Subordinate Statement

  1. Send a POST request to publish a subordinate statement:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/subordinates/{id}/statement
  2. Optionally include a dryRun parameter in the request body to test the statement publication without making changes:

        "dryRun": true

Step 13: Get and Publish Entity Configuration Statement

Get Entity Configuration Statement Object

  1. Send a GET request to retrieve the entity configuration statement:

    GET http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/entity-statement
  2. Replace {username} with the specific account username for which you want to retrieve the entity configuration statement.

Publish Entity Configuration Statement Object

  1. Send a POST request to publish the entity configuration statement:

    POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/{username}/entity-statement
  2. Optionally, include a dryRun parameter in the request body to test the statement publication without making changes:

        "dryRun": true
  3. Replace {username} with the account username for which you want to publish the entity configuration statement.

Trust Marks

Trust Mark Workflow

    participant TA as Trust Anchor
    participant TI as Trust Mark Issuer
    participant H as Holder
    TA->>TA: Create Trust Mark Type
    TA->>TI: Authorize Issuer
    TI->>H: Issue Trust Mark
    H->>H: Store Trust Mark
    Note over H: Publish new Entity Statement

Example Implementation Steps

1. Trust Anchor Setup

# Create Trust Anchor account
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts
    "username": "trust-anchor",
    "identifier": ""

# Generate Trust Anchor keys
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-anchor/keys

# Create Trust Mark type
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-anchor/trust-mark-types
    "identifier": ""

2. Trust Mark Issuer Configuration

# Create Issuer account
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts
    "username": "trust-mark-issuer",
    "identifier": ""

# Generate Issuer keys
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-mark-issuer/keys

# Authorize Issuer
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-anchor/trust-mark-types/{type-id}/issuers
    "identifier": ""

# Publish Trust Anchor configuration
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-anchor/entity-statement

3. Trust Mark Issuance

# Issue Trust Mark
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-mark-issuer/trust-marks
    "sub": "",
    "trust_mark_type_identifier": ""

# Publish Issuer configuration
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/trust-mark-issuer/entity-statement

4. Holder Management

# Create Holder account
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts
    "username": "holder",
    "identifier": ""

# Store Trust Mark
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/holder/received-trust-marks
    "trust_mark_type_identifier": "",
    "jwt": "eyJ..."

# Publish Holder configuration
POST http://localhost:8081/accounts/holder/entity-statement

5. Trust Mark Verification

# Verify Trust Mark status
GET http://localhost:8080/trust-mark-issuer/trust-mark-status
    "trust_mark_id": "",
    "sub": ""

API Reference

For the complete API documentation, please visit the API Reference


Apache License Version 2.0


  • John Melati
  • Niels Klomp
  • Zoë Maas
  • Sander Postma


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