- 🧑💻 My name is Shubhanshu and I'm an Android developer from India. I specialize in Android architecture and have experience working with Compose. I also have a strong understanding of data structures and algorithms in Python, which I have leveraged to create efficient and high-performing mobile apps.
🌱 I’m currently learning Android Development
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Android Project
📝 I have writeen articles on Scaler Topics and Tutorials Point
📫 How to reach me shubhanshusharma2712@gmail.com
# Esto es un diccionario en Python
about_me = {
name: "Shubhanshu Sharma",
age: 21,
location: "Jaipur, India",
main_languages: [
secondary_languages: [
tools_and_frameworks: [
"Android Studio",
interests: [
"Mobile App Development",
"Video Games",
- ⚡ Fun fact I Love watching anime suggest me your favorite one